[국제]Europe strengthens containment over concerns about the spread of COVID-19 mutation

UK bans entry from South American countries
France, an average of 2 to 300 people per day infected with mutant virus from UK
When entering from a country other than the EU, a voice confirmation of Corona 19 is mandatory


As the spread of Corona 19 continues in Europe, concerns about the mutant virus are growing, and countries are stepping up containment measures.

Britain has banned entry from South American countries due to concerns about the emergence of a new mutant virus, and France has stepped up blockade measures, including increasing curfew.

Reporter Kim Jin-ho.


The British government has said it has banned entry from South American countries due to concerns about the emergence of a new COVID-19 outbreak.

British Transport Minister Grant Shacks has announced that the entry ban will be imposed from 4 a.m. local time on the 15th as evidence of new mutations emerged in Brazil.

Countries banned from entry include Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia and Ecuador.

Portugal, a European country, has also been included in the ban because of close relations with Brazil.

Earlier, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare of Japan revealed that four men and women who entered Haneda Airport from Brazil on the 2nd were found to be infected with corona 19.

This mutation also has something in common with the mutations found in Britain and South Africa, but is considered a different kind.

France has stepped up its blockade.

[장 카스텍스 / 프랑스 총리 : 프랑스 전역에서 이번 토요일 시작해 최소한 15일간 계속되는 통행금지 시각이 오후 6시로 앞당겨집니다.]

This ban on traffic from 6 pm to 6 am the next day begins on the 16th of this month and will last for at least 15 days.

In recent years, an average of 16,000 new corona19 confirmed cases per day in France, and 200 to 300 of them have a mutant virus from the UK.

France has also made it mandatory for anyone entering France from a country other than the European Union to submit and quarantine negative Corona 19 confirmations.

The results of the gene amplification test issued 72 hours ago must be submitted, self-quarantine for 7 days after entry, and the test must be performed again.

The number of cumulative corona 19 confirmed cases in France was 28,442,442 as of the 13th, the sixth largest in the world, and the cumulative death toll was 69,31, making it the 7th in the world.

This is YTN Kim Jin-ho.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
