[국제]Europe, fears of the third coronavirus outbreak…the United States also rises again


As the COVID-19 mutation spread, Europe was overwhelmed with anxiety about the third spread of Corona 19.

In the U.S., where the number of new cases decreased due to increased vaccination, there are growing concerns about reproliferation, including the number of cases in some states.

Reporter Kim Jin-ho.


Germany and Italy are the representative European countries where the Corona 19 crisis has become serious again.

According to the figures of the Robert Koch Institute, the German Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the number of new confirmed cases the previous day was 1,7,504, more than 3,000 more than the same day a week ago.

Among the new corona 19 confirmed cases, the proportion of people infected with B117, a mutant virus from the UK, jumped from 5.8% on the 5th of last month to 72.2%.

[로타 빌러 / 로베르트코흐연구소 소장 : 전염력이 더욱 강한 B117 변이 바이러스가 역할을 하고 있습니다. B117 변이는 독일에서 매우 빨리 확산 중입니다.]

In Italy, 502 deaths per day from Corona 19 were counted on the 16th, the highest number since the end of January this year.

More than half of the new confirmed cases in Italy have been identified as infected with a mutant virus originating in the UK.

New cases of COVID-19 in the U.S., which have been declining for a while, have returned to an increase in some states.

CNN broadcast reported that the number of new corona19 confirmed cases per day in 14 states this week increased by more than 10% from the previous week.

[로셸 월렌스키 / CDC 국장 : 더 쉽게 확산하는 변이의 등장으로 확산세를 멈추기 위한 우리의 경주가 더 힘들어지고 있습니다.]

Concerns are growing in that the COVID-19 mutation limits the effectiveness of vaccines developed to date.

This is YTN Kim Jin-ho.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
