[국제]”EU will not export AZ vaccine produced in Europe to the UK”

“EU rejects UK request to export AZ vaccine produced in the Netherlands”
‘Harlix’ Leiden plant in Netherlands produces AZ vaccine supplied to UK and EU
EU “UK claims to supply domestic supply of Harlix…it won’t happen”


Concerns over the conflict between the EU and the UK over securing vaccines are growing, but the EU appears to have finally settled its policy to block AstraZeneca’s corona19 vaccine from exports to the UK.

Reports are coming out, citing comments from EU officials, showing the intensification of the vaccination fight between the UK and the European Union.

Reporter Kim Won-bae reports.


The Bloomberg News reported that the EU would not export AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine to the UK, citing anonymous EU and EU officials.

The official said all AstraZeneca vaccines produced in the EU will be used only within Europe.

Reuters also cited an anonymous official and reported that the EU has rejected the UK’s request to export AstraZeneca vaccines produced in Dutch factories.

The plant in Leiden, the Netherlands, is run by a subcontractor called Harlix, where AstraZeneca produces vaccines that it supplies to the EU and the UK.

EU officials told Reuters that “the UK is insisting that the drug substance produced at the Harlix plant in the Netherlands should be sent to the country, but that will not be the case.”

He added, “The quantity of vaccine produced by Harlix must go to the EU.”

Meanwhile, British Defense Minister Ben Wallace warned on the 21st local time that if the EU blocks the export of the COVID-19 vaccine to the UK, the EU’s international reputation will be damaged.

[벤 월러스 / 영국 국방장관 : 계약법 유지에 있어 국제법의 중요성을 인식하고 있습니다. 전 세계가 EU 집행위원회가 어떻게 행동하는지 보고 있습니다.]

Wallace also argued that building walls in the vaccine manufacturing process would make it difficult for EU citizens to obtain the vaccine, as well as in other countries.

This is YTN Kim Won-bae.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
