[국제]Criticism of Ramsey spreads…


In the United States, voices of criticism are spreading over the thesis of Harvard University Professor Ramsey who distorted the history of comfort women.

Following the academia, federal lawmakers are participating in the condemnation, and related civic groups are also actively taking part.

This is a report from Washington correspondent Taewook Kang.


Rep. Adam Schiff, chairman of the US House of Representatives Intelligence Committee, who led the impeachment of former President Donald Trump last year.

Senator Schiff stressed that war sexual assault, organized by Japanese forces during World War II, was never forgotten or has no excuse as a crime against humanity.

He said he would join the comfort women survivors and their descendants in claiming their terrible memories and justice.

US Congressman Judy Chu, chairman of the Asian caucus, also stressed that the comfort women issue in the Japanese military is a historical fact that still haunts survivors to this day, and that any attempt to overturn it is unacceptable.

They said in a statement to the Korean American Association of Los Angeles that they condemned Professor Ramsey’s thesis.

The Korean American Association of Los Angeles said that local politicians such as California State Congressman Choi Seok-ho and Los Angeles City Councilman John Lee and Gil Cedillo are also participating.

Civic groups related to comfort women are also actively moving.

We plan to receive signatures from people from all walks of life and send them to Professor Ramsey, Harvard University, and academic journals to request correction and apology for distorted facts.

[헬렌 원 / 워싱턴 정신대문제대책위원회 회장 : 왜 그랬는지 진심을 듣고 싶고, 그게 잘못된 거니까 인식시켜드려야 하고, 그것을 통한 할머니들에 대한 잘못된 논문을 만든 것에 대한 사과문을 받으려고 노력하고 있습니다.]

Law scholars as well as historians continued to criticize Professor Ramsey’s thesis.

Terrence Lorick, a professor at the U.S. Naval University, who is considered an expert on the Korean Peninsula, also pointed out that there is a problem with the methodology and some citations of the thesis at a related seminar.

President Roh Jeong-ho, the director of the Korean Law Research Institute at Columbia University’s Law School, said he was very concerned, saying that the claims of former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who denied the existence of comfort women, were mirrored.

Korean-American organizations intend to use this as an opportunity to publicize the reality of the comfort women issue.

Accordingly, it is expected that further condemnation of Professor Ramsey’s thesis will continue.

YTN Taewook Kang in Washington[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
