[국제]COVAX plans to deliver 300 million doses of vaccine during the first half of the year… 2.7 million doses allocated to Korea

COVAX plans to deliver 337 million doses of vaccine during the first half of this year
AstraZeneca vaccine, 99.7% of the total (36 million doses)
Pfizer vaccine to be delivered in 1.2 million doses in the first quarter


COVAX, an international corona19 vaccine joint procurement and distribution project, has announced a provisional vaccine distribution plan by country for the first time.

Korea is expected to receive at least 2.7 million doses of vaccine in the first half of this year, and North Korea is expected to receive about 2 million doses.

This is a report by Park Sang-nam reporter.


COVAX announced through a video media briefing on the 3rd local time that it plans to deliver about 375 million doses of Corona 19 vaccine to 145 countries by the first half of this year.

Of these, the AstraZeneca vaccine is 336 million doses, which accounts for 99.7% of the total.

1.2 million doses of Pfizer vaccine will be delivered to each country in the first quarter.

[프레데릭 크리스텐슨 / 감염병대비혁신연합(CEPI) 부회장 : 이제 각 나라 정부는 코로나19 백신을 자국민에게 접종할 수 있게 됐습니다. 이번 백신 배분 계획 발표로 우리는 전세계인들간의 균형을 맞추는 길에 들어섰습니다.]

Korea will receive 2714,000 doses of both vaccines combined.

However, this is the minimum amount and can increase to about 4.38 million batches depending on the production capacity of the pharmaceutical company.

North Korea is expected to receive 1992,000 doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine produced in India.

North Korea is one of 92 countries subject to the’CoVax Pre-Purchase Commitment Mechanism’ that supplies vaccines to developing countries.

KOVAX’s interim plan does not include China and advanced countries such as the United States, Europe, and Japan.

In the briefing that day, a mention was made regarding the efficacy of AstraZeneca vaccine vaccination for the elderly.

[세스 버클리 / 세계백신면역연합(GAVI) CEO : 더 많은 데이터가 들어오고 있습니다. 유럽의약품청(EMA)은 전체 데이터에 근거해 접종 연령 제한을 하지 않았습니다.]

KOVAX aims to distribute at least 2 billion doses of vaccine within this year.

The World Health Organization, WHO, has only approved urgent use for Pfizer vaccine to date, and AstraZeneca vaccine is expected to decide urgent use approval by the end of this month.

This is YTN Park Sang-nam.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
