[국제]China’s Wuhan infected 500,000 people, 10 times more than announced… China is also’tense’

Wuhan, China, estimates 4.43% of Corona 19 antibody retention… The best in china
“500,000 people infected with Corona 19 in Wuhan City”… Inverse calculation by antibody retention
US CNN “Wuhan’s actual number of infected people, officially announced 10 times more than 50,000 people”
China,’tense’ ahead of the Lunar New Year in February next year… “Acquiring responsibility for insolvent prevention”


It is estimated that the number of corona19 infections in Wuhan, China, could reach 500,000, ten times more than the authorities announced.

There is a possibility of deliberate reduction, but the Chinese authorities are also tense as there may have been many asymptomatic infections.

Correspondent Kang Seong-woong reports from Beijing.


The China Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently released the results of tests for corona19 antibodies in the mainland.

As expected, more than 4 out of every 100 people had antibodies in the Wuhan region, which was the most affected.

Wuhan has the highest number of antibodies at 4.43%, Hubei Province has 0.44%, and other regions have antibodies at 1 in every 6,000 people.

[중국 관영 CCTV / 지난 28일 : 중국은 감염 수준이 낮았고, 우한을 주요 전쟁터로 해서 방역에 성공함으로써 대규모 확산을 막았다는 것을 보여줍니다.]

If Wuhan’s antibody retention rate of 4.43% is substituted for 11 million citizens, it is about 500,000.

Most of these people are most likely people who once had Corona 19 and then healed.

CNN broadcast interpreted that it means that the number of infected people in Wuhan was ten times more than the officially announced 50,000 people.

Most of all, it is possible that the number was reduced intentionally or by negligence during the chaos in the early days of the outbreak.

It is possible that the number of asymptomatic infections China excluded from the statistics of confirmed cases reached hundreds of thousands of people in Wuhan alone earlier this year.

It is for this reason that China is already very nervous ahead of the Lunar New Year’s move in February next year.

With 470 million people expected to travel by train alone, Chinese authorities hurried to take action.

[후창창 / 국가위생건강위 대변인 : 춘제 기간 방역에 대한 감독을 통해, 조치가 부실해 코로나19가 확산된 지역에 대해서는 책임을 추궁할 것입니다.]

China also continues to increase vaccinations by region for cold food workers, quarantine personnel, and traffic workers.

The city of Beijing advised that winter breaks, which usually begin at the end of January, be moved one to two weeks ahead and refrain from going to other regions.

This is YTN Sungwoong Kang ([email protected]) from Beijing.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
