[국제]China stands behind the scenes in Myanmar and bystands… Concerns about establishing a’pro-Western government’


China, which borders Myanmar, is still lukewarm in the military coup.

The US came out and urged the role of China, but China is virtually taking the side of the military by standing by saying that internal dialogue comes first.

Correspondent Kang Sung-woong reports from Beijing.


As the Myanmar military coup was smeared with bloodshed, the United States urged China to play a role.

As China has an influence on the military, it is asking for the needs of citizens to be reflected.

[네드 프라이스 / 미국 국무부 대변인 : 우리는 중국에 대해 군부에 대한 영향력을 건설적인 방법으로, 미얀마 국민의 이익을 증진시키는 방향으로 사용할 것을 촉구했습니다.]

China is in a position that neither the military who initiated the coup nor the citizens fighting it.

The logic is that the policy of friendship for Myanmar is not for a specific faction, but for the entire people.

[왕이 / 중국 외교부 부장 : 미얀마의 각 측은 냉정과 자제를 유지하고, 미얀마 인민의 근본 이익에 입각해 대화를 통한 협상을 견지하기 바랍니다.]

China’s position is observed to have come from the judgment that the military has real power.

We have been working on economic cooperation with the Aung San Suu Kyi government, but we believe it was possible with the cooperation of the military.

If Myanmar’s citizens win, China may be concerned that cooperation will be restored.

China says it is an urgent need to end the bloodshed conflict.

It is a calculation to stop the growing anti-Chinese sentiment among Myanmar citizens.

What is important to China is that the coup should not trigger a pro-Western government in Myanmar.

On the surface, it is neutral, but it seems that it is for this reason that it is, in the end, standing closer to the military side than the citizens supported by the United States.

This is YTN Sungwoong Kang ([email protected]) from Beijing.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
