[국제]China builds a quarantine facility that holds more than 100 people on the 5th day…


In China, there have been more than a hundred confirmed cases a day for five consecutive days.

As a result, we are preparing for prolonged re-proliferation by urgent construction of temporary containment facilities that can accommodate nearly 10,000 people.

Correspondent Kang Seong-woong reports from Beijing.


Construction of a temporary quarantine facility is continuing in Hebei, China, where the re-proliferation of Corona 19 is severe.

3,000 people and large heavy equipment have been mobilized day and night for five days.

This is a construction project to create 3,000 prefabricated rooms to isolate close corona 19 contacts as a group.

Other nearby cities have decorated rooms inside the factories that were being built to shorten the construction period.

1,500 units were completed over the weekend, and half of them were moved in.

Hebei Province is building 9,500 such containment facilities with rollaway beds and toilets.

Most of them are meant to gather close contacts in rural areas and control them all at once.

However, the route of infection for this re-proliferation is still unknown, except that it spreads mainly in rural areas.

[스젠 / 허베이성 질병통제예방센터 긴급 대응팀장 : 현재 집중 조사 과정에서 (해외 유입을 보여주는) 여러 단서들이 있지만 최종결론을 내리지는 않았습니다.]

Shijiazhuang City, with a population of 11 million, has been banned from going out until Tuesday.

In the city blockade, the entire nucleic acid test was conducted twice, and finally, a ban on movement of all residents came out.

Other regions close to Hebei Province are in a hurry to get the vaccine.

[차오 모씨 / 베이징 거주 운전기사 : 저희는 고위험군으로 분류가 됐는데 가족과 전체 사회를 위해서 책임을 다하려고 접종을 하러 온 겁니다.]

However, in China, more than 100 confirmed cases per day for five days in a row, and the spread is not caught.

If asymptomatic is added, it is predicted that the actual number of infected people per day may be more than 200 and re-spread may be prolonged.

YTN Sungwoong Kang in Beijing[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
