[국제]China boycotts Nike and H&M, pointing out’repression of human rights in the kidneys’

A boycott of global brands such as Nike and H&M, which expressed concern over the human rights abuses of the Xinjiang Uyghurs, is taking place in China.

On the 25th, a video of several Nike sneakers burning on the Chinese version of Weibo was uploaded.

In a statement earlier, Nike said, “We are concerned about forced labor in Xinjiang’s Uighur Autonomous Region. We do not receive products and raw materials here.”

Some Chinese netizens who rebelled against this are claiming’patriotic consumption’ by boycotting Nike and using local brands. It is reported that Chinese actor Tan Song Yun and singer Wang Yibo, who were acting as Nike models, canceled the advertising contract.

The situation is similar for Swedish fashion brand H&M. In September of last year, H&M declared on its official website, “We are concerned about reports of Xinjiang’s forced labor and ethnic discrimination. We will stop purchasing cotton produced in this region.”

Although it was a statement released last year, H&M’s remarks are refocusing as the European Union recently announced sanctions against China for cracking down on human rights in Xinjiang.

As a result, H&M products were deleted from famous online shopping malls in China, while location information of H&M stores disappeared from famous map apps in China.

Chinese celebrities who were active as advertising models for this company, such as Song Cheom, also announced that they would discontinue cooperation with H&M.

The Chinese government also protested. According to local media in China, on the 25th, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hua Chun-ying criticized “The criticism of forced labor is malicious rumors of anti-Chinese forces created to undermine China’s image and hinder China’s development.” Regarding the boycott, he said, “Chinese people have the freedom to express their feelings.”

YTN PLUS Reporter Ji-Young Moon ([email protected])

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
