[국제]Ceramics bought for 40,000 won at a flea market in the U.S. turned out to be worth 500 million won

Porcelain bought at a flea market in the United States for just 35 dollars (about 40,000 won) is a hot topic as it turns out to be a Chinese antique worth up to 500,000 dollars.

Last year, an unidentified owner bought a small flower-painting Chinese ceramics at a Garage Sale (a flea market in a private garage) in New Haven, Connecticut. At the time, the buyer immediately sent a picture of the vessel to an auction specialist to confirm its value.

According to experts, the relics were found to be relics of the era of the Chinese Ming Dynasty’s Yongnakje (ruled 1402-1424). Resembling a lotus bud, this relic, called a’lotus bowl,’ is currently estimated to be worth $300,000 (about 340 million won) to $500,000 (about 560 million won). The highest estimated price is 14,285 times the purchase price.

“We instinctively looked at the goods and felt very good,” said Angela McArter, director of Sotheby’s Chinese art department.

According to Sotheby’s, only six of the Lotus Bowl products of the same period remain worldwide. Other institutions have the relics, including the National Palace Museum in Taipei, the British Museum, and the Victoria & Albert Museum in London.

The found artifacts will be exhibited at the Sotheby’s auction held for’Asia Week’ on March 17th. Tang dishes and jadeite pots, estimated to be up to $1.5 million (about 1.68 billion won), will also be featured at this auction.

YTN PLUS Reporter Jeong Yoon-joo
([email protected])

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
