[국제]Canada’s’Proud Boys’ terrorist group designation… U.S. House of Representatives’conspiracy theory’ pushes out Republican lawmakers


The response to the conspiracy theorists and extremists who caused severe division in the last US presidential election is in full swing.

When Canada designated Proud Boys, a white supremacist group, as a terrorist group, the White House said it was reviewing it.

Reporter Lee Dong-hun.


The Canadian government designated Proud Boys, a white supremacist group, as a terrorist group last month, which played a leading role in the invasion of the US Capitol.

They said their extreme tendencies and violent orientation became evident through the Capitol Hill invasion.

[빌 블레어 / 캐나다 공공안전부 장관 : 정치 문제가 아닙니다. 양심과 결사, 표현의 자유를 제한한 것이 아닙니다. 극단주의의 폭력 행위를 통제하는 것입니다.]

The White House also said a general review of violent extremism is underway and awaiting the review.

[젠 사키 / 미 백악관 대변인 : 국가 안보팀에서 전국에 걸쳐 우려되는 단체 행동의 폭력성과 형태를 살펴보는 검토 작업이 진행되고 있습니다.]

The US House of Representatives will hold a vote on the 4th local time to evict controversial Republican Congressman Marjorie Taylor Green from all committees assigned to them with speech inciting division and hatred.

Georgia’s first senator, Green, supported far-right group Qurnan, which spreads conspiracy theories, and joined Trump’s allegations of fraudulent elections.

In addition, he believed in the 9/11 conspiracy theory and raised controversy with his remarks that deprecated the victims of high school shootings.

When Senator McConnell condemned him as “a republican cancer,” Green refuted the Republican enemy as “weak men who only know how to be elegant.”

This is YTN Dongheon Lee.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
