[국제]Brazil is spreading mutations… at risk of collapse of medical system

Brazil’s cumulative death toll exceeds 250,000… More than 10 million confirmed cases
Rapid spread of mutant virus… Medical system crisis
Governors “In 2 Weeks We Could Be Chaos Over Brazil”


The spread of the COVID-19 mutant virus in Brazil has pushed the public health system in each region into a crisis situation on the verge of collapse.

The cumulative death toll exceeds 250,000, second only to the United States.

Reporter Kim Jin-ho.


Workers are digging graves for those who died of Corona 19.

In recent years, the number of deaths per day has exceeded a thousand, and several graves are being built at once due to the rapid increase in deaths.

There is no place in the hospital to store the body, so it must be stored in a large refrigeration unit outside the hospital.

The cumulative death toll exceeded 250,000, the next in the United States, and the number of confirmed cases exceeded 10 million.

In addition, the spread of the mutant virus, which has an infection rate three times faster, threatens the hospital’s ability to respond.

[파비아나 아라우요 / 아라라콰라시 코로나19 담당자 : 이 새로운 변이 바이러스는 매우 강하고 전염력도 높습니다. 더 강력하게 사람들의 접촉을 막지 않으면 나중에는 확산세를 막을 또다른 방법이 없어지고 보건체계가 견디지 못할 것입니다.]

The governors have warned that in at least 12 of the nation’s 27 states, responding to COVID-19 is virtually difficult, and that the whole country of Brazil could become confused within the next two weeks.

Experts call for immediate action.

[훌리오칼스 / 브라질 적십자사 대표 : 건강은 경제 상황보다 훨씬 더 중요합니다. 경제가 좋지 않다고 사람들이 일하고 다른 사람들을 감염시키는 것은 우리에게 도움이 되지 않습니다. 정부가 예방 조치를 취할 것을 촉구합니다.]

Synovac and AstraZeneca vaccinations began on January 17 in Brazil, and so far, the number of vaccinations is about 6.3 million people, or 3% of the total population.

The government plans to vaccinate the entire population by the end of the year, but at the current pace, it is not easy.

As the situation becomes so serious, President Bolsonaro, who has ignored the seriousness of Corona 19, has been raised again.

This is YTN Kim Jin-ho.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
