[국제]Bitcoin’s first breakthrough of $50,000…”More” vs “Worst Bubble”

More than 70% this year… Advocate “more to come”
Tesla’s’mass purchase of bitcoin’ triggered
Needs attention because of the volatility… After a surge in 2017, it plummeted


The cryptocurrency bitcoin price once exceeded 50,000 dollars for the first time in history, fueling the investment craze.

Cryptocurrency advocates are optimistic about further gains.

However, there is also a high level of caution that a careful approach to the 2017 crash should be taken as a mirror.

Reporter Kim Hyung-geun on the report.


Bitcoin transaction price exceeded $50,000 for the first time in New York and London markets.

It rose by 170% in the fourth quarter of last year, and then by more than 70% this year alone.

Cryptocurrency advocates are optimistic about further gains.

It is a market that is qualitatively different from those of the past.

In the past, individual investors led the market, but now, it is an analysis that companies and individuals are raising bitcoin with’twins’.

Tesla, an electric car company, invested $1.5 billion to buy bitcoin was the decisive catalyst.

The New York Melon Bank, the oldest bank in the United States, also announced that it will deal with digital virtual assets in the future.

[알렉스 마신스키 / 셀시우스 CEO : (비트코인에 대한) 새로운 채택의 물결을 보고 있습니다. 은행과 금융기관들이 ‘사기’라고 부르던 것을 마침내 추천하는 것을 보는 것은 굉장한 일입니다.]

However, there are voices of warning to investors as the volatility is so high.

Bitcoin price has also skyrocketed in 2017 and then plummeted immediately.

Many point out that it is nothing more than a speculative play between investors who are aiming for an intangible bubble and a bittersweet spot.

[리처드 라이온스 / UC버클리대 교수 : 비트코인의 변동성에 대해서는 의심의 여지가 없습니다. 퇴직금 계좌나 아주 심각한 것을 투자하는 개인 투자자에게 하지 말 것을 권합니다.]

Most of all, as the price continues to fluctuate in a short period of time, the common voice of experts is that you should be cautious about investing in bitcoin.

This is YTN Kim Hyung-geun.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
