[국제]Biden’s tears sent first to her child

Biden leaves her second hometown of Delaware, a farewell of tears
“I’m sorry we couldn’t be together” recalling the dead son, Bo Biden
Entering Washington DC, the first to commemorate the Corona 19 victims
Installation of 400 lights, 400 bells… Mourning 400,000 victims


Elect Joe Biden, who entered Washington the day before his inauguration as president, was the first to commemorate the victims of Corona 19.

When I said goodbye to the Delaware residents, who had previously lived with me, I mentioned my son who died and showed tears as if feeling overwhelmed.

This is reporter Shin Ji-won.


As Joe Biden left Delaware, he expressed his gratitude to the people who supported him.

It was born in Pennsylvania, but Delaware is the second hometown that has lived for over 60 years after moving with his family when he was ten years old.

[조 바이든 / 미국 대통령 당선인 : 보십시오. 음…. 여러분도 알다시피…. 저한테 감정적인 순간입니다.]

At a farewell event at Delaware National Guard Command, named after the deceased eldest son, Biden said he was most sorry for not being with his son.

When I mentioned my son Bo’s name, I felt thirsty for a while.

[조 바이든 / 미국 대통령 당선인 : 여기 제 아들 보 바이든 소령의 이름을 딴 곳에 제가 서 있다는 사실이 더욱 자랑스럽습니다. 여러분, 지금 유일하게 애석한 게 있습니다. 제 아들 보가 여기 없다는 것입니다.]

Joe Biden’s eldest son, Bo Biden, died of a brain tumor in 2015.

He fought in Iraq and served as Delaware Attorney General and was once considered Biden’s political successor.

Biden said that he would share the pain of losing his family because he lost his wife and daughter before the eldest son.

[조 바이든 / 미국 대통령 당선인 : 치유하기 위해서는 우리는 기억해야만 합니다. 기억하는 게 힘들 때도 있지만, 그게 우리가 치유하는 방식입니다.]

Corona 19 deaths are over 410,000 in the United States.

On the lake in front of the Lincoln Memorial, where Biden-elect spoke, 400 lights, representing 400,000 dead, were installed to illuminate the surroundings.

In Washington National Cathedral, a thousand mourning bells rang 400 times.

This is YTN Shin Ji-won.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
