[국제]Biden’s prescription for pending issues every day for 10 days…’Today is Corona’


In the U.S., the Biden administration is putting a strong drive in state affairs, such as issuing executive orders on issues that are emphasized every day for ten days in office.

Today, the second day of his inauguration, he signed an executive order related to corona 19 response measures, including 100 million vaccinations.

Let’s connect Washington and learn more. Correspondent Taewook Kang!

Signing the executive order after five hours of inauguration, I expected it, but you are swiftly taking care of the pending issue?


President Joe Biden signed 17 executive orders yesterday, on the first day of his inauguration, starting mandating wearing a mask.

During the ten days of inauguration, we decided to present countermeasures and guidelines through the issuance of a presidential executive order on the issues that were emphasized every day.

It means I will do it every day except on weekends.

Ease of economic hardship, racial equality, climate change, and immigration are being discussed.

Political media The Hill says President Biden will sign 53 administrative actions over the next 10 days.


Today was the countermeasure for Corona 19, right?


Today, around 2:50 pm here, President Biden personally held a press conference.

First, I recommended wearing a mask for 100 days in office.

It also announced that it will achieve 100 million vaccinations within 100 days of taking office and hurry to normalize schools and businesses.

In particular, he said passengers coming to the U.S. from overseas must be tested for Corona 19 before boarding the aircraft and quarantined upon arrival in the U.S.

President Biden said six executive orders were signed shortly after the briefing, Saki said.


What is the reason for such a strong drive to state affairs from the beginning of the inauguration?


It can be said that the reason is the situation where there are many difficulties such as Corona 19 and the economic downturn.

Like an executive order, the intention is to issue emergency prescriptions by actively utilizing the president’s authority, which is possible without parliamentary legislation.

There is also a willingness to break up with the Trump administration, which is at the forefront of the policy line, and present a vision of the’biden era’.

Such measures include the Paris Climate Change Convention, the World Health Organization, and the WHO return order, which former President Trump withdrew.

There is also an intention not to repeat the initial mistakes of the former Obama administration’s inauguration.

The Biden Administration’s strategy is to respond to issues in a large, swift, and concise 100-day period.

YTN Kang Tae-wook in Washington[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
