[국제]Biden’s inauguration ceremony ahead of the’iron border’…the first day’s’national policy vision’ presented


U.S. President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration ceremony will be held today on the 20th local time, and in our time, it will be held a little past midnight today.

From the first day of his inauguration, Biden is expected to issue a number of executive orders and present a vision for state administration.

Let’s take a look at the details with reporter Jo Soo-hyun of the International Department. welcome.

When does the inauguration ceremony of the 46th US President begin?


Biden’s inauguration preparation committee did not disclose a specific schedule, but said it will be broadcast live from 10:30 am EST on the 20th.

The inauguration ceremony does not begin at this time, but it is expected to show the local atmosphere of Washington and the site of the Capitol where the inauguration ceremony is held.

As in previous years, this year is expected to proceed in the order of opening remarks, proposal of the US state, prayer, the vice president’s oath of inauguration, and the president’s oath of inauguration.

Singer Lady Gaga was in charge of the national proposal.

Looking at the inauguration ceremonies in the past, they usually started around 11:30 am.

President Trump arrived at the scene just after 11 am when he took office in 2017.

And the oath of inauguration is expected to be held just before noon, as in previous years.

This is because the starting point of the president’s term of office was stipulated in the constitution at noon on the 20th.


What is the main schedule after the oath of office?


Of course, the most notable is Biden’s inauguration address.

As the 46th President of the United States, it is a place to present the first message to the public that contains the plan for state administration.

The inauguration preparation committee said in a speech that Biden-elect “will present a vision to overcome the pandemic, rebuild the economy, unite and heal the nation.”

Afterwards, Biden moved from the west front of the Capitol where the inauguration ceremony took place to the east to conduct a military inspection.

It’s a tradition that the new president has done right after the inauguration ceremony.

Afterwards, Biden goes to Arlington National Cemetery with Barack Obama, George W. Bush, and Bill Clinton’s ex-presidents and tributes to the grave of the Unknown Soldier.

After this event, Biden moves to the White House in a military escort.

In the meantime, there was a street parade in which tens of thousands of people gathered, and the president got out of the car and said hello.

However, this year, it will be replaced with a’virtual parade’ consisting of various performances and special broadcast programs in consideration of the corona crisis.


How is the local atmosphere in Washington right now?


There are strict boundaries in Washington.

The Houses of Parliament and nearby major roads were closed, and 25,000 State Guards were deployed.

Several bridges linking Washington, DC and Virginia were closed, and the area around the Potomac River, where these bridges were located, was also closed.

In particular, security has been strengthened to the highest level ever since there was concern about the’second violence’ aimed at the inauguration ceremony after the invasion of parliament that occurred on the 6th.

The presidential inauguration ceremony is generally a high-security event, but this year is in stark contrast to the previous inauguration ceremony, which created a grand festive atmosphere as it was caught in a super emergency this year due to concerns about Corona 19 and violence.

Biden left his home in Delaware on the 19th local time, the day before his inauguration, and arrived in Washington.

You will be staying at’Blair House’, a presidential guesthouse near the White House.

It was reported that on the morning of the inauguration ceremony, they would attend Mass at St. Matthew’s Cathedral in Washington, DC.

At the Mass, Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and House Representative Chuck Schumer, Republican Senate Mitch McConnell and House House Representative Kevin McCarthy were also invited.


Biden-elect starts official business on the first day after inauguration, right?


Yes, White House Secretary-General Ron Klein said President Biden would sign more than a dozen executive orders on his first day in office.

It is also known that there are contents that overturn President Trump’s policies, such as countermeasures against Corona 19, the issue of rejoining the Paris Climate Change Convention, and the withdrawal of the entry ban applied to some Islamic countries.

It is interpreted as a symbolic measure to present a vision of state administration not only for the most urgent issues of COVID-19 and the economy, but also for foreign policy.

Along with this, the first briefing by White House spokesman Jen Saki is likely to take place on the day of inauguration.

When Trump took office four years ago, the first White House spokesman, Sean Spice, held a briefing on the day of his inauguration.


Finally, tell us what President Trump’s last days are.


Yes, as is customary, President Trump should of course attend the inauguration ceremony of the new president to visually complete the takeover and celebrate his inauguration, but President Trump is planning a completely different move.

Regardless of Biden’s inauguration ceremony, a video of her goodbye is expected to be released today.

The video is said to have been pre-recorded on Monday, but has not yet been released.

And tomorrow, the day of Biden’s inauguration, is scheduled for President Trump’s farewell event.

On the morning of the 20th local time, President Trump is scheduled to travel from the White House to the nearby Andrews Air Force base on a special helicopter Marine One.

A farewell event is held here.

The White House is said to have an invitation to President Trump’s aides with the time written at 8 am.

It’s before Biden’s inauguration, so the times don’t overlap. As President Trump has said several times earlier, it is unlikely that he will appear on the scene of the inauguration ceremony.
