[국제]Biden’s inauguration 3 days after Taiwan’s’armed protests’


Last weekend, a U.S. aircraft carrier entered the South China Sea near Taiwan, and China responded by launching bombers.

Just three days after President Biden took office, the US and China began a military battle.

Correspondent Kang Seong-woong reports from Beijing.


last Saturday.

The US aircraft carrier Roosevelt has entered the South China Sea through the Basi Strait between Taiwan and the Philippines.

It’s been only three days since President Biden took office.

The US Navy said it was intended to demonstrate freedom of navigation on the high seas.

On the same day, eight Chinese bombers also entered Taiwan’s southwest air defense identification area.

Not only bombers, but also fighter jets and anti-submarine patrol aircraft, all operated together.

China continued armed demonstrations the next day by sending 15 bombers and fighters again.

The US State Department issued a warning statement to China for the first time since the inauguration of the Biden government.

He said not to scare Taiwan, saying that he will continue to support Taiwan in the future.

The decisive position of the United States has been announced since President Biden’s inauguration.

Taiwanese representative Xiao B. Kim was invited to attend the inauguration ceremony for the first time in 42 years after the breakup.

The entry of the aircraft carrier Roosevelt into the South China Sea also appears to be a check against China.

The Chinese government strongly opposed it.

[자오리젠 / 중국 외교부 대변인 : 타이완은 중국 영토에서 분리할 수 없는 일부며, 중국은 국가의 주권을 수호할 것입니다.]

China opposes Taiwan’s independence and urged the United States to stop intervening.

President Biden’s policy to restore the alliance is evident in the Taiwan issue.

The confrontation between the US and China is also rapidly becoming visible.

YTN Sungwoong Kang from Beijing[[email protected],kr]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
