[국제]Biden-Suga video conference possible… US-China talks are in the fog

Prime Minister Suga’s visit to the US is not easy amid the spread of corona in Japan
Biden Makes’Corona 19 Overcome’ Top Priority
“Possibility of video talks… Japanese Prime Minister’s visit to the US, expected after March”


With the official launch of the Biden administration, we are interested in what direction US-Japan and US-China relations will take in the future.

There is a possibility that the first summit between President Biden and Japanese Prime Minister Suga will be held through burns, but the first summit with China, which has been in a tight tug of war since the days of the Trump administration, is still in fog.

Reporter Jo Soo-hyun reports.


In a briefing on the 20th, a Japanese government spokesman referred to a telephone conference between Prime Minister Suga and the next President Biden at the end of last year.

At the same time, it emphasized the close solidarity between the US and Japan.

[가토 가쓰노부 / 일본 관방장관 (지난 20일) : 우리 정부는 바이든 신정부와 미일 동맹의 강화해나갈 것이며 자유롭고 열린 인도 태평양의 실현, 코로나 대책, 기후 변동 문제 등 국제사회의 공통 과제에 대해 긴밀히 연계를 추구해나가고자 합니다.]

At the end of last year, Prime Minister Suga unveiled his plans for an early summit with President Biden, referring to February this year as the time to visit the United States.

However, the recent trend of the spread of Corona 19 in Japan has not stopped, so it seems difficult for the Prime Minister to visit foreign countries for the time being.

In addition, as President Biden has made overcoming Corona 19 a top priority since the first day of his inauguration, it is an observation that face-to-face talks can be burdensome.

Japanese media said the talks could be conducted in a videoconferencing manner, and they predicted that Prime Minister Suga’s visit to the US would be after March.

In the meantime, the US-China summit has not yet been discussed.

First of all, the Chinese government has expressed its intention to cooperate with the Biden administration, while emphasizing the position that mutual respect must be prerequisite.

President Biden did not address China directly after taking office, but he had previously made strong public strides.

[조 바이든 / 미국 대통령 (지난해 11월 당선인 신분 당시) : 중국이나 다른 이들이 결과를 좌지우지하는 게 아니라 우리가 규칙을 정할 수 있도록 해야 합니다.]

In addition, the US and China are showing a gritty appearance, such as having a nervous war over the issue of the investigation of the origin of Corona 19 recently, so it seems difficult for the US-China summit to reach early.

This is YTN Soohyun Cho.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
