[국제]Biden starts all-out war on Corona 19…


US President Biden has embarked on a full-scale Corona 19 battle.

In particular, President Trump expressed a strong willingness to respond by mandating most of the guidelines for autonomous operation or recommendations.

This is reporter Kim Jeong-hoe.


On the first day of his inauguration, President Biden’s first sign was related to Corona 19.

[조 바이든 / 미국 대통령 : 제가 서명하는 첫 번째 행정명령은 코로나19에 관한 것으로 연방 시설에서의 마스크 착용 의무화입니다.]

On the second day, as many as 10 COVID-19 executive orders were signed.

It was emphasized that it was a measure according to the exhibition situation.

[조 바이든 / 미국 대통령 : (코로나19 사망자가) 2차 대전으로 숨진 미국인보다 많습니다. 40만 명입니다. 이건 전시 작전입니다.]

The new executive orders are based on compliance with personal precautions and strengthening quarantine.

First of all, it was mandatory to wear masks in federal buildings, and also on public transport, aircraft, and ships.

The Trump administration made it mandatory to wear a mask that was entrusted to the judgment of airlines and transport companies, thereby enhancing the effectiveness of personal quarantine and blocking elements that would cause fertility.

It is also mandatory to submit a negative Corona 19 confirmation letter and quarantine immediately upon arrival.

The quarantine period was not timely, but the CDC recommended standards were followed.

Quarantine after entry was also a recommendation for the Trump administration, not a requirement.

The state has also created a task force to manage its own diagnostic tests and vaccination plans, and federal agencies and private companies are coming to increase production of protective equipment and syringes.

Research for safe face-to-face instruction, guidelines to prevent worker infections, and an organic communication system between the federal and state governments have been established.

The direction of the Trump administration’s response to Corona 19, which had been autonomously operated and recommended, has been virtually completely revised.

This is YTN Kim Jeong-hoe.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
