[국제]Biden meets with Republican lawmakers on Corona 19 support plan…


President Joe Biden met with Republican senators trying to cut down on the amount of COVID-19 stimulus that President Joe Biden is ambitiously preparing.

The difference in the amount was so large that it was not possible to narrow the difference, but we decided to continue the negotiations.

Reporter Kim Jin-ho.


U.S. President Joe Biden and opposition Republican senators met at the White House on the 1st of local time to adjust the stimulus bill.

Ahead of the private interview, President Biden screams to calm the mood.

[조 바이든 / 미국 대통령 : 와주셔서 고맙습니다. 면담을 학수고대했습니다. 내가 제일 좋아했던 상원에 돌아온 느낌입니다.]

The previous day, Republican lawmakers proposed an amendment of $600 billion, which is one-third, and demanded an interview, saying that the $1.9 trillion proposed by President Biden and 2100 trillion won in our money were excessive.

President Biden, who accepted the request for an interview, met with lawmakers, but was not able to close the gap as expected.

[수전 콜린스 / 공화당 상원의원(메인주) : 좋은 의견 교환이 있었지만 오늘 부양안 합의는 없었습니다. 두 시간 면담으로 합의를 기대하는 사람은 없겠죠.]

The Republican Party left room for an agreement to continue the negotiations.

White House spokesman Saki said, “It is important that the President hears about their concerns and ideas. He is always open to making the stimulus more powerful.”

When he was elected, President Biden proposed a stimulus plan to pay $1,400 in cash to the majority of the American people and spend $400 billion on the fight against COVID-19.

The Republican Party has objected by saying that the range of cash payments is too wide and the fiscal deficit burden is high.

If the stance on the stimulus continues to draw parallel, President Biden, who emphasizes unity, will not be able to push forward while ignoring the opinion of the Republican Party.

This is YTN Kim Jin-ho.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
