[국제]Biden, inaugurated as the 46th President of the United States after a while…’Erase Trump’ from day one


U.S. President-elect Joe Biden will be officially inaugurated as the 46th President of the United States at 2 a.m. tomorrow (21st) in our time.

Despite the unprecedented COVID-19 outbreak, the inauguration ceremony is generally simplified, but after the inauguration ceremony, the next president-elect Biden sets out to bring the notorious policies of former President Trump back to the origin through an executive order.

Connect with the International Department. Reporter Kang Seong-ok!

The inauguration ceremony is still held in a place where it was traditionally held, right?


President-elect Biden’s inauguration ceremony, as always, takes place on a special outdoor stage west of the Capitol.

It begins at around 11:30 a.m. EST on the 20th of the United States with a prayer from Fr.

Singer Lady Gaga sings the country, poet Amanda Gorman reads a congratulatory poem, and actor and singer Jennifer Lopez performs music performances.

The number of people attending in person is reduced to a thousand people, and instead, numerous flags replace the crowd in the Capitol Square.

The oath of inauguration between the President and Vice President is held around 12 noon.

This is because the official term of office is stipulated in the US Constitution at noon on the 20th.

Shortly before noon, Vice President-elect Camela Harris takes the oath of office in front of Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor, and at noon, Biden-elect is sworn in front of Supreme Court John Roberts.

From this point on, Joe Biden will serve as the 46th President of the United States.


Since this inauguration ceremony is held after a great confusion over the Corona 19 pandemic and President Trump’s struggle against objection after the presidential election, are you interested in what the inauguration speech will contain?


Biden is inaugurated as President-elect amidst severe national divisions and crises comparable to those of Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War period in US history, or Franklin Roosevelt during the Great Depression and World War II.

The inauguration ceremony is held amid the tensions of a semi-war state due to possible violence among Trump supporters.

In his inauguration speech, the inauguration prep committee said, “We will present a vision to overcome the pandemic and unify, rebuild and heal the nation.”

White House Public Affairs Director Kate Beddingfield said, “It will send the world an incredibly important image of the resilience of American democracy.”


I am also interested in the preemptive system that the next president Joe Biden will deal with quickly after taking office. Which ones are there?


After the oath, President Biden and Vice President Harris are examined by the military on the east side of the Capitol.

This event confirms that the military commander has been changed to Biden.

Next, they visit Arlington National Cemetery and complete the flower arrangement, and then enter the White House around 3:15 pm local time.

Two hours later, from 5:00 p.m., Biden will immediately sign the executive order and start working on the first day.

Ten executive orders will be signed one after another, including the return of the Paris Climate Agreement and the withdrawal of the entry ban applied to Islamic countries.

It will also immediately issue an executive order mandating the wearing of masks within federal property buildings or complexes and when traveling over long distances.

It’s about putting the former President Donald Trump’s notorious and controversial policies back in place.

President Biden’s staff called these tasks so-called’rescue actions’ and said they would act like lightning quickly over the next 10 days.

So far, this is YTN Seongok Kang from the International Department

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
