[국제]Biden enters Washington the day before his inauguration…

Washington DC security and security level raised to the highest level
State National Guard deploys the largest, about 25,000 people
Exclusion of inauguration duties of two National Guards confirmed to be associated with far-right groups


One day before the inauguration ceremony, when the next US President Joe Biden entered Washington, Washington DC entered a state of super emergency with extreme security.

The largest state defense forces allowed by the Ministry of Defense, including armed soldiers standing on the edge of the main street, were deployed, and troops related to far right groups were excluded from the mission.

This is a report from Washington correspondent Taewook Kang.


One day before the inauguration ceremony, Biden left his home in Delaware and moved to Washington, DC.

To attend the inauguration ceremony after spending the night at the White House guesthouse.

[조 바이든 / 미국 차기 대통령 : 아시다시피, 우리 가족에서 우리가 공유하고 있는 가치, 우리가 추구하는 성격, 세상을 바라보는 시각, 모든 것은 가정으로부터 온 것입니다. 이 모든 것은 델라웨어에서 비롯된 것입니다.]

Because of this, the level of security and security has been raised to the highest level.

A barrier with sharp blades has been added to the steel walls around the Capitol.

The bridge between nearby states and Washington, DC has been closed, and the river area has also been closed.

In the heart of Washington, DC, security authorities have designated red zones that only allow vehicles with special permits and green zones that allow residents and vehicles, respectively.

State Defense Forces were deployed, the largest allowed by the Department of Defense to strengthen inauguration security, about 25,000.

It is one of the roads leading from the Inauguration House to the White House. In this way, national defense forces were deployed armed and entered the border.

In the meantime, the defense forces, whose connections with far-right groups, were excluded from the inauguration mission.

To reduce security risks, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the FBI, has decided to step up the National Guard’s background checks to remove them from mission where relevant.

YTN Taewook Kang in Washington[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
