[국제]AstraZeneca vaccine, supply shortage controversy, efficacy controversy

“AstraZeneca Vaccine Low Vaccination Effect to 8% in the Elderly”
AstraZeneca “Incorrect report…100% antibody even over 65 years old”
AstraZeneca “reduces vaccine supply in Europe by 60%”
EU “Because it’s a UK company, it puts the EU aside and provides vaccines to the UK first”


The controversy is hot as the pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca is expected to not supply enough to contract the Corona 19 vaccine due to production disruption.

In addition, controversy has emerged that the efficacy will be inferior to the elderly before approval for emergency use by the EU.

AstraZeneca immediately refuted that it was not true.

Reporter Kim Hyung-geun on the report.


It is the German media that sparked controversy about the efficacy of the AstraZeneca vaccine.

Citing an official from the German government, they reported that the vaccination effect was low at less than 8% in the elderly over the age of 65.

The AstraZeneca side jumped, saying it wasn’t true.

Even over 65 years of age, 100% of the antibodies were developed after the second dose.

The German government also said it was wrong.

However, European media say the European Medicines Agency is also cautious about the AstraZeneca vaccine.

He added that there is a possibility that when approving the vaccine, it is likely that only under 65 should be vaccinated.

Controversy continues over the amount of vaccine supplied.

This is because AstraZeneca informed Europe that it would cut its supply in the first quarter by 60% due to production disruption.

The EU suspects that AstraZeneca, a British company, puts the EU aside and supplies the vaccine only to the UK.

AstraZeneca said it was ridiculous, and pointed out that the EU placed orders for the vaccine three months behind the UK.

However, the EU applied a first-come, first-served basis and pressed against breaking the contract.

[스텔라 키리아키데스 / EU 보건담당 집행위원 : 생산량을 보증할 수 없다는 것은 계약 정신에 어긋나는 것입니다. 우리는 선착순이라는 논리를 거부합니다.]

Faced with a shortage of vaccines, the EU is even considering ways to prevent the export of vaccines produced in the EU outside the EU.

This is YTN Kim Hyung-geun.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
