[국제]AstraZeneca vaccine is mixed with anticipation and distrust


The evaluation of the AstraZeneca vaccine, which was first approved for emergency use in the UK, is strikingly mixed.

There is high expectation that it can prevent the spread of Corona 19 due to its great strength in transportation and storage at an affordable price.

However, the United States and the European Union have expressed distrust, saying there is a lack of information on the quality and efficacy of the vaccine.

Reporter Kim Tae-hyun delivers.


When the UK approved the world’s first AstraZeneca vaccine following the Pfizer vaccine, the New York Times of the United States evaluated that it had the conditions for a corona vaccine that could dominate the world.

This vaccine can be transported and stored for at least 6 months at a normal refrigerator temperature of 2°C to 8°C.

On the other hand, Pfizer vaccines must be transported around -70 degrees Celsius, and modder vaccines are stable for 6 months at -20 degrees Celsius.

The AstraZeneca vaccine, which is much cheaper, is considered the first mass purchase target in many countries, including Korea.

AstraZeneca’s new year’s vaccine production target is 3 billion doses, which is about a fifth of the world’s population.

The UK revised its vaccination strategy, seeing that an interval of 3 months between the 1st and 2nd vaccinations would be more effective.

[앤드루 폴라드 교수 / 옥스퍼드 백신 그룹 책임자 : 면역 반응 데이터는 두 번의 접종 사이의 간격이 길수록 더 좋은 면역 반응이 있음을 보여줍니다. 물론 놀랄 일은 아닙니다.]

However, the United States and the European Union rate that information on this vaccine is still lacking.

The AstraZeneca vaccine is not expected to be approved for emergency use by the European Union within January.

The skeptical European Medicines Agency (EMA) called for additional data on the quality, safety and efficacy of this vaccine.

The U.S. also expects the vaccine to be approved in April by two months.

The vaccine’s immune efficacy is also 70% lower than that of Pfizer and Modena, which are 95%.

AstraZeneca vaccine, which will be vaccinated sooner or later, is drawing attention from around the world.

YTN Taehyun Kim[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
