[국제]Asian hate crimes surge… Biden “Stop vicious crimes”

150% increase in hate crimes targeting Asians in 16 major cities in the U.S.
28 Asian hate crimes occurred in New York last year
15 Asian hate crimes in Los Angeles


While overall hate crimes declined in the United States last year, attacks against Asian ethnicities have increased significantly.

In a live TV speech, US President Biden urged that vicious crimes against Asian Americans should be stopped.

Reporter Kang Seong-ok reports.


President Biden was greatly concerned about hate crimes against Asian races in a talk on the 1st anniversary of the’Corona 19 pandemic’ broadcast live on TV on the 11th local time.

He stressed that “violent hate crimes” targeting Asian Americans should be stopped immediately.

[조 바이든 / 미국 대통령 : 그들(아시아계 미국인들)은 많은 생명을 구하기 위해 이 전염병의 최전선에 서 있지만 여전히 생명의 위협을 느낍니다. 거리를 걸으면서도 위협을 느낍니다. 비미국적이고 잘못된 이런 행위는 중단돼야 합니다.]

Analysis of police statistics by the California State University’s Center for Hate and Extremism Research found that hate crimes targeting Asians rose 150 percent last year in 16 metropolitan cities in the United States.

Overall, hate crimes declined by 7% as the number of meetings in public places declined due to Corona 19, but attacks against Asian races increased significantly.

In particular, in New York, where there were three hate crimes against Asians in 2019, the number increased to 28 last year.

In Los Angeles, where many Koreans live, there were 15 hate crimes last year against Asians, which were 7 cases in 2019.

Former President Trump is not less responsible for promoting hate crimes in Asia.

Trump referred to Corona 19 as a “Chinese virus,” and has repeatedly raised China’s responsibility.

Experts point out that political leaders’ narrow perceptions and attitudes have helped promote hatred toward Asians.

This is YTN Kang Seong-ok.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
