[국제]ASEAN seeks a peaceful solution to the Myanmar crisis… protesters oppose’re-election’


The diplomatic efforts of ASEAN countries to peacefully resolve the Myanmar crisis triggered by a military coup are visible.

It is reported that a plan to persuade the Myanmar military to hold an early general election is being discussed, but it seems difficult to find a compromise as Myanmar citizens are demanding the immediate resignation of the military.

Reporter Lee Dong-hun.


Foreign ministers of the military, Indonesia, Thailand and Myanmar met yesterday in Bangkok, Thailand.

It was a meeting prepared by Indonesia’s diplomatic efforts, which is taking the lead in peaceful resolution of the Myanmar crisis among the 10 ASEAN countries.

The details of the discussion are unknown.

[레트노 마르수디 / 인도네시아 외교장관 : 인도네시아는 미얀마 사태의 해결을 위해 모든 측과 소통을 계속해 나갈 것입니다.]

In light of previous media reports that Indonesia proposed a plan to send election watchdogs to ASEAN member states so that the new general election in Myanmar can be held fairly, it is likely that the issue of the early general election was discussed.

Indonesia’s foreign minister said he is having intensive discussions not only with the Myanmar military but also with the civilian government to resolve the situation.

However, protests followed in front of the Indonesian embassy in Myanmar and the Thai embassy.

He clarified the opposition, saying that the re-run of the general election gives legitimacy to the military coup.

[단단 / 미얀마 시위대 : 여기에 쓰인 글은 미얀마의 좋은 이웃이 돼 달라. 군부 독재를 지원하지 말아 달라는 뜻입니다.]

On the 19th day of the protests, thousands of students, teachers, monks and ethnic minorities, including students and teachers, marched on the streets in Yangon and Mandalay.

On the 20th, a funeral for 10 people who were shot and killed was held in Mandalay.

This is YTN Dongheon Lee.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
