[국제]19-year-old woman’s family is in critical condition due to live bullet


The family of a 19-year-old woman who was shot by police during a protest against the Myanmar coup and was in serious condition appealed to “Fight to the end against the military.”

In the sixth demonstration yesterday (11th), a large number of ethnic minorities participated in the protests that the Myanmar military regime is trying to confine torture Aung San Suu Kyi.

Reporter Kim Tae-hyun delivers.


The local media’Irawadi’ met the sister of 19-year-old Miyate Te Kaing who was hit by a live shot at a protest held in the capital city of Naepido on the 9th and heard the situation and feelings at the time.

Sister A said, “My younger brother and I were not in the middle of the street, did not cross the line, did nothing to the police,” and said, “The moment I tried to leave, my younger brother fell.”

“I initially thought of it as a warning shot into the air, but when I saw the blood came out when I took off the helmet of my fallen brother, I knew I was shot.”

“I heard that my brother’s chances of recovery are only 5%,” she said. “I urge all the people to continue fighting until the military dictatorship is eradicated.”

Reuters reported, “Kaiing, a grocery store employee, celebrated his 20th birthday on the 11th, but he suffered a gunshot wound and is fighting in the hospital.”

A large number of Myanmar ethnic minorities, including Karen, Rakhain, and relatives, also joined in the six-day protest.

Those who have confronted the military while advocating for autonomy have demanded the release of national advisor Aung San Suu Kyi and President Win Mint.

[미얀마 소수민족 시위 참가자 : 오늘은 여러 소수민족의 변혁을 위한 국경일입니다. 우리는 서로 지지하며 군사독재에 맞서는 운동에 참여하고 있습니다.]

There are also observations that the military regime in Myanmar has stepped into prison to further prosecute shame torture.

Local media, Myanmar Now, reported that the military recently raided the office of a charity foundation established by adviser Suu Kyi.

The military took computers, financial books, and bankbooks, and also detained two Foundation officers.

The media alleged that the military was trying to condemn the shame torture for corruption.

YTN Taehyun Kim[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
