[국제]”1 in 4 Indian adolescents are already infected”… signs of collective immunity across India


In India, the second-largest number after the U.S. with 10 million officially confirmed COVID-19 infections, an Indian government investigation found that it is actually estimated to have infected a much larger 300 million.

In particular, in adolescents between the ages of 10 and 17, about 1 in 4 antibodies were found, and it was found that adolescents are also easily infected, unlike known.

Reporter Yeojin Lee reports.


ICMR, an Indian government agency, from December 17 to last month, conducted a serological investigation of corona 19 infection-related serum on 35,000 people aged 10 years or older across the country.

Of these, 21.5% had antibodies.

According to this calculation, nearly 300 million of India’s total population of 1,393.4 million have already suffered from Corona 19.

Currently, it is 30 times the number of officially confirmed cases in India and three times the number of officially infected people worldwide.

In particular, 25.3% of adolescents aged 10 to 17 have antibodies, and it was found that one in four was infected with Corona 19.

The highest infection rates, as expected, came from health care workers.

[발람 바르가바 / 인도의학연구위원회장 : 인도인 상당수가 여전히 감염에 취약합니다. 의료기관 종사자의 25.7%가 감염됐습니다.]

This is the third time that the Indian Institute of Medical Sciences conducted a serum survey, followed by 0.7% in May-June last year and 7.1% in August-September last year. .

Other organ figures are more serious.

Following a survey that only New Delhi had found corona19 antibodies in 56% of them, a recent survey of more than 700,000 people across India by diagnostic company TyroCare Technology found 55% of them were infected.

Some argue that the recent drop in the number of new confirmed cases in India is due to the development of collective immunity.

In September of last year, the number of new patients reached 100,000 a day, but the number of new patients has recently decreased to the low of 10,000.

[라제시 부샨 / 인도 보건부 차관 : 2차, 3차 대유행을 맞은 다른 나라와 달리 인도의 그래프를 보면 꾸준히 감소해왔습니다.]

In addition, population immunity is expected to accelerate as the number of antibody carriers increases in India, which started mass vaccination in the middle of last month.

This is YTN Lee Yeo-jin.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
