[국제]1 in 12 US infections, 1 in 660 deaths… Biden “heartbreaking milestone”

500,000 cumulative deaths in the US Corona 19… 1/5 of the deaths worldwide
All Americans die of ‘1 in 660’ from Corona 19
Over 28 million cumulative confirmations… ‘1 in 12’ infected with Corona 19


In the U.S., it was found that 1 in 12 people infected with Corona 19 and 1 in 660 people died.

President Biden called it “a heartbreaking milestone,” and instructed federal agencies to bet five days early.

Reporter Kim Hyung-geun on the report.


The cumulative death toll of COVID-19 in the U.S. is 1/5 of the deaths worldwide.

A whopping 500,000 people died in a year after the first deaths came out in early February of last year.

That’s 1 in 660 Americans.

There are also over 28 million cumulative confirmed cases.

One in 12 people is infected with Corona 19.

President Biden called it a’heartbreaking milestone’ and instructed all federal agencies to bet five days early.

The White House also held a memorial event to honor the victims.

[조 바이든 / 미국 대통령 : 오늘날, 우리는 정말로 암울하고 가슴 아픈 이정표를 세웠습니다. (코로나19 사망자가) 1차 세계대전, 2차 대전, 베트남전 사망자보다 더 많습니다.]

The overall Corona 19 situation in the United States has improved significantly since the inauguration of the Biden administration.

This is because vaccination has been in full swing and quarantine policies such as mandatory wearing of masks have been strengthened.

However, the spread of the highly contagious mutant virus is a variable.

So far, 1,700 cases of mutant virus infection have been identified in the United States, but the spread continues.

According to an analysis at the University of Washington, it is estimated that by the end of April, the number of mutant virus infections will soar to the level of 80% of new confirmed cases.

Mr. Pouch stressed the need to speed up vaccination more than now to prevent the spread of the mutation.

[앤서니 파우치 / 미 국립전염병·알레르기연구소 소장 : 바이러스가 더 이상 진화하지 못하게 하는 최선의 방법은 바이러스가 복제되는 것을 막는 것입니다. 가능한 한 빨리 백신을 접종하는 것이 좋습니다.]

More than 4,4 million people have been vaccinated at least once in the United States.

At 13% of the total population, it is far below the level of 70-80%, which is the standard for formation of group immunity.

This is YTN Kim Hyung-geun.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
