[국제][뉴있저] Spring in Myanmar, stained with blood…what is the situation that the locals convey?

■ Progress: Byeon Sang-wook anchor
■ Cast: Local student in Myanmar

* The text below may differ from the actual broadcast content, so please check the broadcast for more accurate information.


It’s been a month since the Myanmar military coup, and yesterday, we told you that there was a tragedy that killed 38 people during a protest. The UN envoy also expressed concern that there could be a real war in Myanmar.

As the local situation is becoming more and more confused, let’s connect the Myanmar area. I am a Myanmarian who majored in Korean at university. Please understand that interviews are conducted anonymously for personal protection. Hello? Are you with me?




Thank you for responding to the interview in difficult situations. You asked for anonymity. What kind of outgoing news does the real military censor?


Since the situation is a situation, if I reveal my identity, it was difficult later, so I asked for anonymity. The last few days ago, there were cases where soldiers inspected the cell phones of passers-by in a certain area of ​​Yangon and asked them to show their social media.

It is a situation that is being careful now, the people too.


There was bloody suppression to the point of calling the 28th of last month a bloody Sunday, and it continued to die after that, resulting in nearly 60 deaths. And I hear the news that the military continues to fire live ammunition at protesters. What is the situation in Yangon today?


Even today, protests continue to take place in several places in Yangon. The suppression of police and soldiers continues violently.


How many people died… Are you listening?


It was reported yesterday that there were more than 50 deaths reported in the local media.


And one of the scenes we’re most sorry for is the second city in Myanmar yesterday. We saw a scene where a 19-year-old woman named Chial Shin was sadly killed in a protest in Mandelay.

It’s all going well on the T-shirt you were wearing again. I heard that the phrase is emerging as a new symbol of the protest. What is the local response?


Looking at the phrase, we felt like Mr. Chial Shin was comforting the people who were fighting for democracy, and on the other hand, it was so painful to feel that he was comforting himself.


Despite these unfortunate deaths, it seems unlikely that the military will withdraw easily. Then, even if the military continues to respond to the hardline, do you think the people will continue to resist again?


Now, the people are pledged to fight until the end even if they lose their lives in order not to let our children live like that, because if we lose in this fight, we will become a dictatorship again, and they hate going under the military dictatorship as before.

So I think the resistance of our people will continue.


Even in Korea, you may know the modern history of Korea, but in May 1980 there was a ruthless repression by the military in Gwangju. At that time, the help of the international community was desperate, but what is the most desperate need of the international community in Myanmar right now?


What we believe is the most necessary international help right now is that it would be nice if you reliably and effectively enforce sanctions against the military.

And I think it is the most necessary thing at the UN to ensure the responsibility for protection for our people.


In South Korea, voices are increasing, urging that the Korean government’s measures to help Myanmar should come out quickly. If you have a message you want to convey to Korea and the world, please take this opportunity to do so.


We, the people of Myanmar, desperately want democracy and are now fighting for democracy at the risk of their lives. I am fighting every day.

I think that it is one of the important issues not only in Korea but also in the world. So, we need a lot of support and support from the international community.

I hope that effective sanctions against the military that caused the coup in Myanmar will be carried out.


I was a local Myanmarian who majored in Korean at university. We wish you safety. May myanmar’s democracy quickly recover. Thank you for today.


Thank you.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
