[국제][뉴스큐] ‘Kimchi is Chinese food? What are you talking about?’…’Kimchi ad’ published in The New York Times

Kimchi advertisement appeared again in The New York Times

This is an advertisement published by Professor Seo Kyung-deok, Sungshin Women’s University.

The picture of kimchi that fills half of a page has the title “”Korean kimchi, for the world.”

The reason why this advertisement appeared again is because our traditional food,’Kimchi’, is suffering from another body ailment.

In the 1990s, he had to set up an angle with Japan, who repeatedly called kimchi’Kimuchi’ and claimed to be his food.

This time we have to deal with’China’.

The start was a video of a Chinese YouTuber making kimchi.

I can introduce you to the process of making kimchi.

However, the description attached here, or hashtag, was controversial.

YouTube has over 14 million subscribers.

Obviously, we are introducing Korean kimchi, not Chinese pickles.

However, as for the hashtag,’Chinese traditional cuisine’ and’Chinese food’ ran in English.

It is a phrase that foreigners can fully misunderstand.

It’s a bad thing for us.

In the comments, criticism continued, such as’Kimchi is Korean food’.

However, in response to the criticism of the Korean netizens, an organization directly under the Chinese Communist Party emerged.

He criticized the claim that’Kimchi is Korean’ by wrapping up the YouTuber on the official SNS because he lacked confidence.

On the 3rd, Chinese Ambassador to the United Nations Jang Jun posted a picture of her thumb up while wearing kimchi on Twitter, drawing attention to her intentions.

Chinese netizens were also infested with this move by the Chinese government.

A Korean YouTuber, who was also active in China, was baptized with bad comments by a Chinese netizen after empathizing with the comment on the video saying’Ssam is Korean food’.

The contract was unilaterally canceled with a Chinese partner.

You may remember China’s “Northeast Project” in 2002.

It was a project at the level of the Chinese government to turn all the history that unfolded within the borders of China, such as Goguryeo and Balhae, into Chinese history.

Some say that China is now in the Kimchi process.

This is the Twitter of the US Ambassador to Korea Harry Harris in December of last year.

He said that he learned kimchi, and he tagged’Korea is the origin of kimchi’.

In 2013, Michelle Obama, then the first lady of the United States, revealed a recipe and a recipe for making kimchi.

The official blog introduced it as “Korean food, Kimchi.”

As such, kimchi is a food that is recognized as a traditional Korean food.

Let’s look at the kimchi advertisement in the New York Times again.

“Kimchi culture was registered as a UNESCO intangible cultural heritage for mankind in 2013.”

“Historically, for thousands of years, it has been the representative food culture of Korea.”

Japan’s claim of’Kimuchi’ came to an end when the International Food Standards Committee decided to unify the international notation as’kimchi’.

It is a little annoying to deal with the Chinese repressive claim over our kimchi, but we must take this opportunity to announce the popularity and status of our kimchi to the world once again, and gather our wisdom to protect Korean kimchi this time.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
