[과학]When is the domestic vaccine?…”August conditional application target”


As overseas vaccination begins this month, attention is also being paid to when domestic vaccines will be developed.

Although it is later than foreign companies, various vaccines are being developed in Korea.

Reporter Seong-gyu Lee, the current state of vaccine development in Korea, reported.


It is a Korean bio company developing a corona 19 vaccine.

Last month, we started a phase 1 clinical trial with Daedae Guro Hospital, and we are planning to apply for a phase 2 trial in March and conditional approval in August.

Domestically developed vaccines are much slower in clinical trials than overseas vaccines, but have the advantage of being inoculated once.

In particular, it is a strong point that the vaccine delivery efficiency is high by adopting a method that uses a cold virus that infects humans as a carrier.

[강창율 / 셀리드 대표이사 : 저희 벡터(바이러스 운반체)는 사람에게 감염하는 바이러스를 기반으로 만들었습니다. 그 벡터를 인체에 투여했을 때 실제로 인체 세포에 침입하는 능력에서 차이가 나고….]

In addition, SK Bioscience and Ubilogics are also conducting phase 1 clinical trials of vaccines using proteins, and Genexine and Genewon Life Sciences are also conducting phase 1 clinical trials of DNA vaccines.

At this level, there are differences between companies, but domestic vaccine data will be available by the end of the year, and commercialization is expected to be possible by the first half of next year.

[제롬 김 / 국제백신연구소 소장 : 한국의 백신 개발은 전 세계적인 백신 개발보다 다소 늦었다고 생각합니다. 한국 백신의 안전성과 효능에 대한 데이터는 올해 말쯤 가능할 것으로 전망합니다.]

There are many opinions that it is too late even if the domestic vaccine becomes commercially available if group immunity is formed in November this year as planned by the government.

However, experts point out that as mutant viruses are steadily emerging and there is a high possibility of recurrence each year around the winter season, domestic vaccines should be developed in any form.

YTN Science Lee Seong-gyu[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
