[과학]One day postponement of the launch of the next-generation medium-sized satellite…

Stopping’countdown’ ahead of launch… Firing smoke
Postponed one day of launch… Scheduled to launch at 3:07 pm tomorrow
Satellite industry market, the first attempt to reform privately
From No. 2, KAI production… Designed with mass production in mind


The next-generation medium-sized satellite, which was scheduled to launch at 3:07 pm today, had a problem at the top of the projectile and the launch was stopped.

South Korean and Russian authorities are expected to launch the satellite at the same time tomorrow afternoon after inspection of the launch vehicle.

Reporter Kim Jin-du reports.


This is the appearance of the Baikonur Space Center introduced on a local broadcast.

The Soyuz launch vehicle equipped with Korea’s next-generation medium-sized satellite is standing on the launch pad.

However, with about 20 minutes left, the launch suddenly stopped.

The Russian space authorities explained that it was due to a problem with the top of the projectile.

[이승훈 / 항공우주연구원 위성연구소장 : 발사체 최상단 엔진의 조정에 의심이 가서 자동 카운트 다운하다가 중단됐습니다.]

This is often the case with launch. If any doubt arises, we are to stop.

The launch was delayed by one day and was scheduled for the same time tomorrow at 3:07 pm.

The next-generation medium-sized satellite is smaller than Arirang, Korea’s representative multi-purpose satellite, but boasts high performance.

It is equipped with a high-performance 0.5m camera capable of distinguishing people standing on the ground, and if it is operated with No. 2, which will be launched at the beginning of next year, it is possible to create a three-dimensional map at once.

It is the twin satellites of the next generation medium-sized satellites currently under ground testing. The satellite will move to Kazakhstan later this year and launch early next year.

The next-generation medium-sized satellite was started with the purpose of transferring the technology secured by the government to the private sector from the planning stage.

Korea Aerospace Industries and KAI participated in the process of creating a satellite by the Korea Aerospace Research Institute and learned the system and main body technology.

The adoption of a’platform’ method that only changes payloads such as cameras while keeping the frame of the satellite intact is taking into account the situation where satellite utilization is becoming more active.

[조명희 / 국회 ICT 융합포럼 대표의원 : 국회에서도 대한민국이 우주 강국으로서, 위성 활용 시대를 선도할 수 있도록 위성정보 활용 촉진과 우주산업 발전을 위한 전반적인 법 제도 개선과 정책 노력을 계속해 나가겠습니다.]

Next-generation medium-sized satellites 1 and twin satellites 2 are scheduled to orbit about 500 km from the surface to manage national land resources such as map making, and to secure video data for disaster response such as typhoons and forest fires.

This is YTN Kim Jin-du.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
