[과학]Next-generation medium-sized satellite launch after two delays…first contact success


After two delays of launch, Korea’s next-generation medium-sized satellite 1 was launched yesterday afternoon.

After landing on orbit, the first communication between a base station in Norway and a base station in Daejeon was successful.

Reporter Kim Jin-du reports.


In bad weather with rain

The Soyuz rocket carrying the next-generation medium-sized satellite awaits launch.

3:07 p.m.

Rockets hit the ground and soar as they emit tremendous water vapor and flames.

However, it disappears immediately after entering the thick cloud.

The first and second-stage rockets were separated and the next-generation medium-sized satellite 1 finally entered orbit.

102 minutes after launch, the first contact with the Norwegian Svalbard base station is successful.

[이승훈 / 항공우주연구원 위성연구소장 : 발사가 성공하고 위성이 제 궤도에 투입됐다는 의미가 있습니다. (하지만) 위성의 모든 부분의 건강상태를 확인하는 것은 대전까지 와야 합니다.]

The next-generation medium-sized satellite 1, which was scheduled to be launched last weekend, had a problem at the top of the Soyuz rocket, the’countdown’ was stopped, and the launch was delayed twice.

Next-generation medium-sized satellite No. 1 equipped with a 0.5m high-performance camera will provide video from October after the initial operation for the next six months.

In particular, we plan to carry out the task of managing national land resources and responding to disasters with the second, which will be launched at the beginning of next year.

The next-generation medium-sized satellite is the first project planned for the purpose of transferring the government-led space industry to the private sector.

The aerospace industry takes over the satellite body and system designed by the Aerospace Research Institute and starts producing independently from No. 2.

This is YTN Kim Jin-du.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
