[공식]April, Hyunjoo bullying controversy 2nd refutation Tumblr → Manager love, etc. All unfounded (professional)

[공식]April, Hyunjoo bullying controversy 2nd refutation “Tumbler → Manager love, etc. are all untrue” (Professional)

[헤럴드POP=김지혜 기자]

[공식]April, Hyunjoo bullying controversy 2nd refutation Tumblr → Manager love, etc. All unfounded (professional)

Hyun Joo/Photo = Herald POP DB

April’s side gave a second explanation.

On the 1st, DSP Media made an additional stance and refuted every item on the community post, saying, “I didn’t want to comment because all of the parties are artists, but due to the seriousness of the situation, after reconfirmation, I clarified this way.”

In the post, there was a suspicion that former member Jeon So-min harassed Hyun-ju for the first time in April, that member Na-na had put Cheonggukjang in the tumbler she received from her grandmother, and that Na-na had stolen Hyun-ju’s sneakers, profanity and harassment before the broadcast, and member Chae-won with the manager. DSP said that they were all unfounded, explaining the situation in relation to the content that they were in a relationship and the allegations that the members laughed at Lee Hyun-joo’s mother who went to the company.

DSP said, “We are sorry for the current situation where we have to make such an explanation. However, due to the uncertain post of a third party who did not directly see the situation at the time, we no longer keep the current situation where the members mentioned are suffering. There are no reports, so I was able to clarify the past events that I do not want to mention.”

“Immediately after the unsavory facts between Lee Hyun-joo and April members were known, unconfirmed cases are being published as if they were true. Due to unconfirmed articles, April members are also having a time of pain.” In addition to posting and distributing the facts, we plan to take strict legal action against unfounded composite photos published in some communities.”

Earlier, in the online community, a controversy emerged with the revelation of the younger brother that the reason for the withdrawal of former member Lee Hyun-joo was because he suffered bullying.

The following is the full text of DSP Media’s official position.

We will deliver additional official positions related to community posts.

Hi. DSP Media.

We will send additional clarifications on the unpleasant incident between Lee Hyun-joo and April members posted in a community.

I didn’t want to comment because all of the parties are artists, but due to the seriousness of the situation, I came to clarify this after reconfirmation.

-Jeon So-min related

So-min Jeon joined us as a trainee at the age of 16 and has been practicing silently for a long time. Since April’s debut, we have put in a lot of effort to serve as the leader of the team. The fact that they hated and harassed certain members is unfounded.

Both So-Min Jeon and Chae-Won Kim are trainees who have been with us for more than three years, and they have already had a strong relationship, so there is no reason to disrespect a specific person in order to become close.

-Tumbler related

There were about 40-50 tumblers in the hostel, and one of them had miso stew and was eating with the members in the practice room. At the time, Lee Hyun-ju said that she was her tumbler, and Lee Na-eun immediately apologized, and Lee Hyun-ju also shared with the members.

-Shoes related

The company gave the members 12 pairs of two identical shoes. Four of these members were of the same size, and this is what happened.

-Related to profanity before broadcasting

The article saying that certain members swear before the start of the broadcast is unfounded.

-Life related

In our company, we even checked CCTVs in the practice room where Ms. Lee Hyun-joo claimed the damage, but we could not find any situations mentioned. Immediately after confirmation, this fact is shared not only with Lee Hyun-joo himself, but also with his mother.

-Manager related

It is true that the members of April at the time had a strong relationship with the female manager who spent 24 hours together. The mentioned part of the relationship with the manager is unfounded, and I have never tolerated the wrong facts by favoring a specific member.

-Regarding Lee Hyun-ju’s mother greeting

The members of April also recognized that it was a serious situation, and they did not know what to say, so they silently meditated. This is a misunderstanding.

We are sorry for the current situation where we have to make such an explanation. However, due to an uncertain post by a third party who did not directly see the situation at the time, I was able to clarify the past events that I did not want to mention because I can no longer watch the current situation where the members mentioned are suffering damage.

Shortly after the unpleasant facts between Lee Hyun-joo and April members became known, unconfirmed cases are being published as if they were true. Due to unconfirmed articles, April members are also having a painful time.

In addition to posting and disseminating unconfirmed false facts, we will take strict legal action against unfounded composite photos that are posted in some communities.

Thank you.
[email protected]
