[고침] Society (305 new diagnoses, 300 people on the second day… effect of holidays…)

305 new diagnoses, 300 on the second day… Minimum after 70 days due to holidays (total)

Local 285-Overseas 20… Cumulative 78,000, increased by 5 deaths and 1,425 people

Seoul 107-Gyeonggi 92-Gwangju 32-Busan 15-Incheon 11-Daegu 9, etc.

Yesterday’s 21,24 tests, more than half of the previous weekday… Positive rate 1.45%

300 new corona19 confirmed in five days

picture explanation300 new corona19 confirmed in five days

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With the outbreak of a new coronavirus infection (Corona 19) in Korea spreading across the country, the number of new confirmed cases on the 1st was in the early 300s.

Following the previous day, 300 people continued for two consecutive days. Earlier, on the 18th to 19th of this month (389 → 386 people), when Corona 19 began to decline, it showed 300 people for two consecutive days.

However, the decrease in the number of new confirmed patients on this day was largely due to the significant decrease in the number of holiday inspections compared to weekdays, so it is too early to conclude that the spread has halted.

In addition to the group infection initiated by the IM mission, the size of confirmed cases can grow again at any time as large and small sporadic infections are continuing through large general hospitals, nursing facilities, family and acquaintance groups, sports facilities, and workplaces.

Accordingly, the government extended the existing’social distancing’ (2.5 steps in the metropolitan area, 2 steps in the non-metropolitan area) and banning private gatherings with more than 5 people until the 14th.

Corona 19 Yesterday, 355 new confirmed...  300 people come down in five days

picture explanationCorona 19 Yesterday, 355 new confirmed… 300 people come down in five days

◇ Local outbreak confirmed first 200 people since November 23, last year… Out of 285, 204 in the metropolitan area, 81 in the non-metropolitan area

The Central Defense Response Headquarters announced that as of 0 o’clock on the day, the number of new corona19 confirmed cases in Korea increased by 305, accumulating 78,000.

It was 50 people less than the previous day (355 people).

The 305 people themselves are the minimum record in 70 days since November 23 (271), which was in the early stages of the’third pandemic’.

This’third pandemic’ peaked on December 25 last year (1,240 people) and then showed a gradual decline in the new year, and then turned to an increase again at the end of last month, starting with the group infection of an unauthorized educational facility at IM Mission.

In the last week (1.26~2.1), the number of new confirmed cases per day recorded 349 → 559 → 497 → 469 → 456 (corrected from 458) → 355 → 305. During this period, there were three for 300, three for 400, and one for 500.

Sitting in a cafe and having coffee

picture explanationSitting in a cafe and having coffee

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Looking at the route of infection of the new confirmed patients on this day, 285 people were outbreaks in the region and 20 people were inflow from overseas.

It is the first time since November 23 last year (255 local outbreaks) that the number of local outbreaks has fallen to 200.

In the area where the confirmed cases were found, 204 were in the metropolitan area, including 104 in Seoul, 89 in Gyeonggi, and 11 in Incheon.

In the non-capital region, there were 32 in Gwangju, 15 in Busan, 9 in Daegu, 8 in Gangwon, 5 in Chungbuk, 4 in Gyeongbuk and Gyeongnam, 3 in Chungnam, and 1 in Jeonbuk. A total of 81 confirmed cases in the non-metropolitan area.

In the case of major infections, a total of 379 people were confirmed related to IM Mission as of the previous day.

In addition, the cumulative number of confirmed cases at Hanyang University Hospital in Seoul increased to 31, and 5 at Boramae Hospital in Seoul have been confirmed so far.

In addition, in the case of language academy-daycare center in Ansan, Gyeonggi Province, a total of 29 people were infected since the 20th of last month, and a total of 14 people were tested positive in the case of a childcare facility in Namyangju City.

Busy Airport Arrival Hall

picture explanationBusy Airport Arrival Hall

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◇ 20 overseas inflows… 225 patients with severe gastric disorder

There were 20 confirmed overseas inflows, 10 fewer than the previous day (30).

Of these, six were confirmed during quarantine at the airport or port. The remaining 14 were tested positive while self-isolation at residential or temporary living facilities in Seoul, Gyeonggi (3 each), Jeonbuk (2), Daejeon, Ulsan, Chungbuk, Chungnam, Jeonnam, and Gyeongbuk (1 each).

Estimated countries for these inflows are the US, 5, Russia, the United Arab Emirates, and Egypt, 2 each, and Nepal, Japan, Iraq, Pakistan, the UK, Denmark, the Czech Republic, Spain, and Zimbabwe. Among the confirmed cases, 13 were Koreans and 7 were foreigners.

When local outbreaks and foreign inflows (excluding quarantine) are combined, the metropolitan area has 210 people, including 107 in Seoul, 92 in Gyeonggi, and 11 in Incheon. Nationally, new confirmed cases have emerged in 15 provinces excluding Sejong and Jeju.

The number of deaths increased by 5 from the previous day to 1,425 cumulatively. The average fatality rate in Korea is 1.82%.

The number of patients with severe gastric disorders decreased by 4 to 225.

By this day, the number of confirmed cases lifted from quarantine increased by 452 to 68,000,309, and the number of patients currently undergoing quarantine treatment decreased by 152 to a total of 8,774.

To date, the number of corona 19 diagnostic tests conducted in Korea is a total of 566,842, of which 543,3,878 were negative, and the remaining 149,000,456 are waiting for the results.

The number of tests per day the previous day was 21,24, which is 3,266 fewer than the 24,000,290 the day before. Compared to the 47,000 cases on the 30th of last month, which was the last weekday before, it is 26,000,244 fewer.

The positive rate, calculated as compared to the number of tests the previous day, was 1.45% (305 out of 21,24), a slight decrease from 1.46% (355 out of 24,290) on the previous day. As of 0 o’clock on this day, the cumulative positive rate was 1.39% (78,508 out of 566,842).

Meanwhile, Bang Dae-bon announced that the cumulative number of confirmed cases as of 0 o’clock the previous day was 78,205, but it was corrected to 78,000,203 excluding two from the local government on the 30th of last month.


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