[고정애 논설위원이 간다] “Isn’t it surrounded by the forces that use it for the president?”

Excommunication of Shin Hyun-soo as seen by former senior civil servants

Kim Seong-jae, executive director of the Kim Dae-jung Peace Center, said on the 22nd at the Kim Dae-jung Library in Mapo-gu, Seoul,

Kim Seong-jae, executive director of the Kim Dae-jung Peace Center, said on the 22nd at the Kim Dae-jung Library in Mapo-gu, Seoul, “I hope that he will become a president who knows the history and the people terribly about the resignation of Min Jeong-soo.” Reporter Kim Kyung-rok

President Moon Jae-in first appeared on the center stage as the chief civil servant of the Blue House. It was because of the sort of cause of carrying simple belongings in plastic bags. Since 1999, it has become the longest-running senior civilian (2 years and 4 months). It is the civil government of the’original experience’ of politics.

Kim Seong-jae, who advocated’Moon Jae-in, Min Jeong-suk’
“Senior Passing is a job abandonment and
Park Bum-gye dismissed, Shin Hyun-soo resignation needs to be repaired”
Kwak Sang-do “Is the President also passing a precedent?”

The first person to see the possibility in President Moon was Kim Seong-jae, executive director of the Kim Dae-jung Peace Center, who was the first chief civil servant of the Kim Dae-jung (DJ) government. Standing director Kim had asked President Moon to serve as civil affairs secretary when he was appointed as chief civil servant. Three years later, when President-elect Roh Moo-hyun tried to appoint another person as chief civil servant, the person who strongly advocated President Moon was also executive director Kim. “Attorney Moon Jae-in is pure and responsible, so I wanted to work with him.”

The excommunication of Shin Hyun-soo, chief executive officer Min Jeong-su, reminded me of the executive director of Kim. We talked three times, two times before Shin returned to work, and once after returning. On the 23rd, the last conversation, the passport said that it was “sealed.” Over the handset, Director Kim said he shouldn’t.

“Sleep doesn’t solve the essence problem. It should not be misunderstood that the prosecution reform is degraded as a means of preventing the government’s corruption and corruption. Attorney General Park Bum-gye must be dismissed and Chief Shin’s resignation must be accepted. President Moon should devote all his efforts to income-led growth, job creation for young people, and stabilization of housing prices for the rest of the year. If you don’t do that, you will become a failed president no matter what achievements you make, but I hope you won’t be that kind of president.”

#One. I don’t understand the neutralization of the most trusted chief civilian.

In the call on the 19th, which was the first conversation, Executive Director Kim said, “This is not normal. He said, “Because the chief civilian was neutralized, the Minister of Justice first made a mistake, and the President who tolerated it seems to have done the wrong.” On the morning of the 22nd, Shin returned from vacation, but before the announcement of his return to work, he met Executive Director Kim. It was at the Kim Daejung Library in Mapo, Seoul.

He first handed out two A4 documents. It was the title of’Citizen’s Senior Business’. ▶Due to problems such as abuse of power, it was abolished when the DJ government was inaugurated, but was revived in 1999 after 16 months.▶By taking charge of civil affairs and reflecting it in the state affairs (civil affairs), by directing and directing to the President ▶Human Resources It was content such as being in charge.

Standing director Kim said, “The president should be the most trusted chief,” he said. “It doesn’t make sense to say that he has neutralized such a chief civil servant.” He said, “It is very regrettable that President Moon, who knows more than anyone else how important the affairs of the chief civil servant is, has caused a confusion in the state affairs because of the chief civil servant from the early days of power.”

He said this was not normal.
“If the attorney general can perform the personnel affairs of the prosecution except for the senior citizen, if the personnel can be announced without knowing whether or not they have received the approval of the president, it is a tremendous job abandonment. This should be clear to the facts.”

Even at the end of 2018, Executive Director Kim had warned against the then chief civil servant of his country. He said, “I thought that I was a comrade, but would (President Moon) regret criticizing it?” He advised, “Don’t wrap up Chief Cho with a sense of comrade, change it quickly.”

There is a saying that Lee Gwang-cheol, civil service secretary, played a role in’Shin Hyun-soo Passing’. It is classified as’the motherland person’.
“If Senior Min Jeong can be passed by someone in the past, it is fundamentally wrong. Secretary Lee Gwang-cheol did something, but as Shin chief, he can feel insult beyond helplessness. It is the responsibility of the President. If the President has newly appointed Chief Civil Service, it is necessary to have authority and ensure that he can function properly, but it is not possible to control the chief by putting a former person under it.”

Controversial figures, including Lee secretary in the Wolseong nuclear power plant and Ulsan mayoral election cases, still remain at the Blue House.
“It is also the president’s responsibility, but in the end, all the responsibility goes to the president. They seem to be using the president to know how much burden they put on the president. I think they are immoral and unrighteous acts trying to secure their own interests and safety in the name of defending the president. I have to see it until the end, but how will the President know all about these cases? People around the president abuse power and pursue profits, and it is wrong. Because the president is a person he trusted, he is left as it is because he is a’good Moon Jae-in’? I don’t understand.”

Some argue that this is because the re-creation of the regime would cover problems.
“From the standpoint of people with power, the re-creation of the regime can of course be dreamed and pursued. The second question is whether it is possible. Since these are street fighters, they will try to create them somehow. There is a controversy among them whether it is the extension of the regime or the re-creation of the regime. The focus now is to succeed (the Moon Jae-in government). This is the meaning of regime extension. If this is not for the people and the state, but for the interests and safety of one’s own power, it is a sin in front of the people and history.

It seems that the prosecution and court personnel have never been distorted as they are now.
“Yes. The judiciary and the prosecution have never been this hard. If they take control of the judiciary and the prosecution to secure the regime, the cause of the prosecution reform will disappear, democracy and the foundations of the state will be destroyed, and in the end, harm will be done to them.”

#2. Forces surrounding the president

Executive director Kim also spoke of’the forces surrounding President Moon’. He also used the expression’to rest on the forces of the candlelight revolution’. In politics, it is ’86 (a student number in the 80s, born in the 60s), in the legal world, Minbyun, and in civil society, it is a participatory solidarity and democratic union. “The forces surrounding President Moon cover his eyes and ears, pretending to be for President Moon, and I think that President Moon has failed to take the center of it.” As the number of interests increases and conflicts of interest such as human resources are conflicting, is it not possible that illegal, injustice and irregularities appear.”

On the other hand, as a teacher, I cited the selection of the former president of the Roh Tae-woo administration, who had no relationship with the DJ, as the first presidential secretary. It was also said that it was necessary to have a person with experience in state affairs because of the change of government after 50 years, but he said that it was to block his comrades and people in the past from exerting influence on the Blue House. “It is difficult for the president to play his role if it is brought in like this as the government of the candlelight revolution for all four years,” said Executive Director Kim.

He also said that when he pointed out that President Moon’s promise to Chief Shin (a stable relationship with the prosecution) was not kept. “Up to now, there are many people who are concerned about Yongdusami’s words and actions, who can’t say good things in front of them and take care of them. No matter how close you are, you have to be strict when you are publicly strict… . People who know this use more. Because they are much more seasoned. It’s a pity to be more vigilant.”

#3. Was this the first time

Kwak Sang-do

Kwak Sang-do

Kwak Sang-do, who was the first civilian chief of the Park Geun-hye administration, also asked. He is a former prosecutor and is the first year of senior Shin. He diagnosed this issue as “a situation that has not been seen before, which has passed even President Moon,” and that “the situation is covered because it seems that the problem will be big.” With Chief Shin, he expected it would be “nearly planted.” “If you know that the president doesn’t have the credibility of that person, it’s impossible for anyone to have one or another power, exercise, or maintain a seat,” he said. Then he said something like this.

“It’s literally a lame duck that the president has been passed, and I’m actually curious if this was the first time. As you can see in the disciplinary bill of Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol, which has lasted more than a year, the president has not made a decision, so it is possible that attorney general Park Beom-gye and others have set a precedent and beat. Minister Park denied all of these suspicions in the National Assembly the day before.

“It was temporarily closed because it was too burdensome for the current administration ahead of the election in April,” said a lawyer from the conservative government who requested anonymity. That said, it will be at the level of keeping the position rather than playing an active role.”

Editorial Writer Jeong-ae Jeong
