[경제]US presidential ITC decision veto deadline for one week

ITC decides “SK is infringing trade secrets” in February
KRW trillions of difference in settlement amount presented by both sides… Stop negotiations
One week ahead of the US presidential rejection deadline for ITC decision


There is a week left for the U.S. president’s veto power to overturn LG’s winning ITC battery litigation decision.

SK is using a cliff-end tactic saying that if the President of the United States does not exercise his veto, it will withdraw the business.

Reporter Cho Yong-seong reports.


In February, when the US International Trade Commission decided that SK infringed on LG’s battery business trade secrets.

[한웅재 / LG에너지솔루션 법무실장(2월 11일) : 경쟁사가 지금이라도 진정성 있는 자세로 합리적 제안을 해 온다면 언제든 그에 응할 수 있는 자세가 돼 있습니다.]

[임수길 / SK이노베이션 밸류크리에이션 센터장(2월 11일) : ITC 결정은 소송의 핵심인 영업비밀 침해를 명확히 규명하지 못했다고 생각합니다. 남은 기간 동안 고객의 가치를 보호하고 미국 내 배터리 생산에 차질이 생기지 않도록 최선의 대응을 다해나갈 것입니다.]

Since then, the two sides have not been able to close the gap even one step.

LG Chem’s vice chairman Hak-cheol Shin showed a strong position at the shareholders’ meeting last month, saying, “We will not be able to overcome this issue and receive compensation appropriate for the scale of the damage.”

In response, SK Innovation’s director Lee Myung-young said, “It is impossible to accept the demands of competitors that have no meaning to continue the battery business in the US or that significantly lower their business competitiveness.”

The difference in the size of the mutually agreed settlement amount reached several trillion won, and negotiations were virtually halted.

The remaining variable is President Biden’s veto exercise, which is possible within 60 days of the ITC decision, with a deadline of one week left.

At SK Innovation, Joon Kim and Chairman of the Board of Directors Kim Jong-hoon, formerly the head of the trade negotiations headquarters, went to the United States to persuade them and took their lives and deaths.

SK has taken the lead with the possibility of withdrawing its business in the US.

However, the public opinion is that the possibility of vetoing the ITC decision given a grace period for the 10-year import ban is unlikely in the industry.

However, apart from the ruling that trade secrets were infringed, there is also an opinion that it is necessary to see if the ITC decision that it is not a patent infringement in the lawsuit has recently emerged and will affect it.

[안덕근 / 서울대학교 국제대학원 교수 : 이번에 상반된 판정이 나왔지만 이게 그 이후에 벌어지는 사안에 어떤 영향을 미칠지는 좀 더 신중하게 봐야 될 상황이고요. 일반적으로 지재권 문제에 대해서 정치적인 판단으로 조치를 번복하는 경우가 흔치는 않습니다.]

If the U.S. president’s veto does not come out, SK is expected to appeal the ITC decision right away and continue the lawsuit.

YTN Quiet Seong[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
