[경제]’The power of semiconductors and automobiles’ … double-digit increase in January exports for two consecutive months


Thanks to the promotion of major items such as semiconductors and automobiles, exports to Korea in the first month of the new year increased by over 11%.

Since 2017, it has recorded double-digit growth for two consecutive months in three years and four months.

This is reporter Lee Ji-eun.


Exports last month increased by over 11% from a year ago to 48 billion dollars.

It posted a double-digit increase for the second consecutive month following December.

It has been 40 months since September 2017.

The average daily export was $2.13 billion, a record high in January performance.

The traditional’good for export’, semiconductor exports increased by more than 21%, continuing a double-digit growth rate for five consecutive months.

Automobile exports recorded the highest growth rate of 40% since 2017, with demand revived mainly in the US and Europe.

Exports of 12 items including wireless communication devices, petrochemicals and steel have increased evenly.

[나승식 / 산업통상자원부 무역투자실장 : 반도체를 비롯한 IT 품목이 크게 선전했고요. 더불어서 바이오·헬스를 포함한 신성장품목들이 새롭게 성장세로 가세하면서 두 가지 모두 동반 성장한 덕분이 아닌가….]

In particular, the performance of high value-added items such as system semiconductors and electric vehicles also stood out.

[홍성일 / 한국경제연구원 경제정책팀장 : 다만 작년에는 설 연휴가 1월에 있어서 그 효과가 (수출에) 반영이 될 수 있기 때문에 2월을 낙관적으로만 보기는 조금 어려울 것 같습니다.]

Last month, imports increased 3% to $44 billion, and the trade balance recorded a surplus for the ninth straight month.

YTN Lee Ji-eun[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
