[경제]The first domestic-made electric car sooner or later…the finished cars’walking’ to strengthen carbon tax


From this month, domestic automakers are opening up the era of post-combustion locomotives by releasing pure electric vehicles equipped with dedicated electric vehicle platforms.

As Europe tightened the carbon tax imposition and the United States accelerated the spread of electric vehicles, the pace of the world’s leading automakers has accelerated.

Reporter Lee Kwang-yeop.


Kia has decided to launch seven exclusive electric vehicles by 2026, one year ahead of its existing plans.

In five years, the global electric vehicle sales are expected to exceed 10 million units.

Right next month, we plan to unveil a dedicated electric vehicle named CV for the first time and start selling it worldwide.

[송호성 / 기아 사장 : CV 출시를 시작으로 기아는 완전히 새로운 전기차 가치를 제공하고 전기차 시장의 선도자로서 도약해 나갈 것입니다.]

Hyundai Motor’s’Ioniq 5′, equipped with an electric vehicle platform, debuted this month.

The first model that opens the era of electric vehicle popularity will start on sale in Europe next month, and will be released in Korea in the first half of the year.

General Motors of the United States has declared that it will completely stop selling gasoline and diesel cars in 2035.

GM quickly rolled out a plan to switch to electric vehicles after Joe Biden’s US administration decided to reduce carbon emissions and promote electric vehicle sales.

[메리 바라 / GM 회장 겸 최고경영자 : GM은 사고와 탄소배출, 교통체증이 전혀 없는 세계를 지향해 갑니다.]

The European Union has further tightened the carbon tax regulation on internal combustion locomotives and is also seeking to introduce a carbon border tax, so the watch for electric vehicles popularization has accelerated.

In particular, Norway has decided to ban the sale of internal combustion locomotives from 2025, and other countries are rushing to prepare.

[이호근 / 대덕대 자동차학과 교수 : 내년부터 유럽은 ‘아이오닉 하이브리드’ 이상 되는 친환경 자동차 아니면 만족을 못 시키는 강력한 기준이 이미 발효되고 있거든요. 그게 코앞이다 보니까 자동차 메이커가 (중략) 무조건 전기차 쪽 판매를 늘릴 수밖에 없습니다.]

The exclusive electric vehicle market is expected to develop at a remarkable pace this year as developed countries accelerate the supply of electric vehicles to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.

YTN Lee Kwang-yeop[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
