[경제]The average total price of the metropolitan area surpassed 400 million won…50 million won in 4 months


Since the enforcement of the new lease law in July of last year, the jeonse crisis has intensified, and the average rent for apartments in the metropolitan area has exceeded 400 million won.

Although sales are increasing in some areas, such as Gangnam, Seoul, demand is still rushing to the outskirts of Seoul and Gyeonggi areas, and the rise in jeonse prices is seldom falling.

Reporter Shin Yoon-jung reports.


It is a new apartment complex in Songdo New Town, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon.

The exclusive area for this apartment is 84㎡, and the rental contract is over 500 million won, which has risen by 150 million won in just half a year.

As the charter crisis continued throughout Incheon and Gyeonggi Province, the average rent for apartments in the metropolitan area exceeded 400 million won for the first time.

It has hit the highest price in 10 years since June 2011, when related statistics were started.

It only climbed 4 million won in a year from 380 million won two years ago, but last year the rise was big.

In fact, it took 3 years and 10 months for the average rental price of apartments in the metropolitan area to rise from 300 million to 350 million won, but it took only 4 months to reach 400 million won.

As the number of tenants moving from the center of Seoul, where the rent is expensive, to the outskirts of Seoul, Gyeonggi and Incheon, the rent is rising.

Experts pointed to the fact that the number of tenants using the contract renewal right, which took effect in August last year, has caused a sharp decline in chartered sales.

In addition, it is believed that when landlords sign new contracts in the aftermath of the upper limit on rent and jeonse, their attempts to receive a four-year security deposit in advance also affected.

[박원갑 / KB국민은행 부동산 수석전문위원 : 일부 지역에서 전세 매물 적체 현상이 나타나고 있지만 올해 아파트 입주 물량이 줄고 재계약이 늘면서 매물 잠김 현상도 지속되고 있어서 봄 전세 시장은 여전히 불안할 것으로 예상이 됩니다.]

The government is preparing the 25th real estate countermeasure, but as it takes time for the actual supply to come true, jeonse unrest is expected to continue during the moving season this spring.

YTN Shin Yoon-jung[[email protected]]is

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
