[경제]Supply measures’break through the front’… super strong in’augmented punishment’ for disturbing behaviors


Deputy Prime Minister Hong Nam-ki apologized for allegations of LH speculation, but decided to pursue measures for the 2nd and 4th supply as scheduled.

It can be interpreted as showing a willingness to break through the head-on in response to some of the claims that the new city policy should be reviewed from the origin.

It has been decided to aggravate punishment for any illegal or expedient market disruption that was caught in the housing supply process.

This is reporter Kim Hyun-woo.


Deputy Prime Minister Hong Nam-ki apologized for allegations of LH speculation, but nailed him to pursue supply measures as scheduled.

In response to some demands to withdraw not only the Gwangmyeong and Siheung housing sites, which have emerged from speculation allegations, but also the previously announced plans, they expressed their willingness to break through.

It can be interpreted that the sense of crisis that the hard-to-do supply measures could be shaken to the roots was also at work.

[홍남기 / 부총리 겸 기획재정부 장관 : 혹여나 이번 사태로 부동산시장 안정을 위해 그간 모든 정책역량을 쏟아 부으며 진력해 온 정부의 정책 의지와 진정성이 훼손될까 안타깝고 두렵습니다. 부동산시장이 다시 흔들려서는 안 됩니다.]

Starting with the disclosure of candidate sites for supply measures for the 2nd and 4th period this month and the 2nd public redevelopment candidate site as scheduled, the recruitment of tenants for public jeonse housing and pre-subscription to the 3rd new town will be carried out in order until the first half of the year.

Super-strong countermeasures against real estate market disruption are also being implemented at the same time.

As in the case of LH, speculation using internal information, market price manipulation, and illegal intermediation were defined as the four major disturbing activities, and it was decided to find a method of aggravated punishment.

We plan to collect more than that, not just recover unfair gains.

In addition, illegal actors have decided to withdraw from the real estate market and to restrict employment in related organizations.

As the disappointment and anger of the people over the new city policy is spreading, it is unclear how much this measure can calm the angry public sentiment.

YTN Kim Hyun-woo[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
