[경제]Stock market surpasses 2,900 on the first trading day of the new year… Individuals net buying more than 1 trillion


The KOSPI Index, which broke the 2,800 line at the end of last year, surged close to 2.5% on the first trading day of the new year, breaking the 2,900 line.

Following last year, individual investors still showed strong buying and semiconductor, battery and automobile stocks led the index to rise.

Reporter Park Byung-han reports.


Yeouido Korea Exchange, the first stock market opening event in the new year

As the KOSPI index exceeded the 2,800 line for the first time at the end of last year, trading began with great expectations.

[손병두 / 한국거래소 이사장 : 지난 한 해 코로나의 긴 어둠 속에서도 우리 자본시장은 경제 회복의 작은 희망의 빛을 보여주었습니다. 새해에는 이 작은 빛이 커져서 우리 경제를 비추고 자본시장은 실물 경기 회복을 발판으로 도약하는 한 해가 되기를 바랍니다.]

On the first trading day of the new year, the KOSPI surged 2.47%, closing at 2944.45.

Kospi, which showed an upward trend for six consecutive trading days, showed the possibility of a January effect following the Santa Rally at the end of last year.

Individual investors recorded net purchases of KRW 1.28 trillion, raising the index, while foreign investors recorded net purchases of KRW 84.2 billion, while institutional investors recorded net sales of more than KRW 1 trillion.

Samsung Electronics, which exceeded 80,000 won on the last trading day of last year, traded at 83,000 won, reporting continued, and SK Innovation surged more than 21%, rising to 231,000 won.

[이나예 / 한국투자증권 수석연구원 : 삼성전자를 중심으로 반도체 종목들이 12월 수출 실적이 상당히 양호해 개선 기대감을 반영해 지속적인 상승세를 보였고 전기차, 2차전지 관련 종목들도 상당한 강세를 보였습니다.]

KOSDAQ finished trading at 977.62, up 0.95% from the previous chapter.

The KOSPI will break through the 3,000 line smoothly this year due to the economic recovery and corporate performance improvement, but major securities firms forecast that the correction phase will be rough due to the recent rapid index rise.

This is YTN Park Byung-han.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
