[경제]Signs of a repressed consumption explosion…


‘The Hyundai Seoul’, the largest department store in Seoul, has been a success since the beginning of its opening.

The retail industry is focusing on a new concept store that will attract exhausted consumers as consumption suppressed by Corona 19 shows signs of exploding.

Reporter Cha Yoo-jeong reports.


‘The Hyundai Seoul’ in Yeouido, Seoul

There are crowds of families and lovers everywhere.

Since the store opened on the 26th of last month, it is reported that an average of 200,000 people have visited each day, which is twice the average daily visitor to a department store before the coronavirus outbreak.

There is also an impact on the opening of new stores in 10 years, but analysts say that the so-called’department store that is not like a department store’ strategy, which utilizes natural light and green parks, worked.

It is said that customers who are exhausted from Corona 19 and have nowhere to go to find sophisticated spaces and erupt their suppressed desire for consumption.

[양명성 / 현대백화점 전략담당 상무 : 도심 속 자연주의 컨셉을 가지고 쇼핑을 통해서 힐링을 제공하는…. 코로나 19가 장기화해서 심신이 지치고 힘드신 분들에게 휴식과 힐링을 제공하는 백화점이 될 거라는 기대가 있습니다.]

The department store industry, whose operating profit was cut in half last year, is attempting to rebound thanks to the vaccination effect and retaliation consumption this year.

Lotte and Shinsegae Department Stores are also preparing to introduce extra-large stores with unique facilities this year.

Lotte will open a large store with a middle-level terrace park and complex cultural space in Dongtan in June, and Shinsegae will open a super-sized store with science facilities and aquariums in Daejeon in August.

It is predicted that if there is new content that will capture the oppressed customers, it will be competitive enough.

[서용구 / 숙명여자대학교 경영학부 교수 : 도심의 쉼터, 힐링 장소, 거대한 수목원이 됐건 아쿠아리움이든 굉장한 볼거리 체험할 거리가 있는 매장은 앞으로도 지속 성장할 수 있다고 생각합니다.]

We are also focusing on expanding the attraction of ‘2030 luxury family’, which has become a big player in department stores.

In recent years, luxury goods have become more popular among young people, with 2030 purchases reaching half of all luxury goods sales.

As a result, competition in the industry to control consumption by creating exclusive lounges for young people and installing specialized stores separately has intensified.

This is YTN Cha Yoo-jeong.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
