[경제]Seoul apartment prices increase in 5 months…


Seoul’s Gangnam apartment prices have risen the most in five months as the purchase trend has been rushing.

In Paju and Ulsan, Gyeonggi-do, which were additionally designated as regulated areas last week due to the recent surge, there is a brake on the uptrend.

Reporter Shin Yoon-jung reports.


This is a new apartment complex in Songpa-gu, Seoul.

On the 19th, 84㎡ of exclusive area for this apartment was traded at 2.12 billion won and rose 250 million won in two months.

Recently reported transactions continue in other renovated apartments nearby.

[서울 송파구 공인중개업소 관계자 : 지금 물건들을 보류 많이 시키시고 40평이나 34평은 많이 빠지고 있어요. 호가는 조금 오르는 거 같아요. 거래가 되니까 (가격을) 올려도 매매가 되겠다 싶으니까 올리시는 거겠죠.]

Apartment prices in Seoul this week have risen 0.05%, the largest increase in five months since July.

In particular, Songpa-gu surged 0.1%, leading to the rise in Seocho-gu and Gangnam-gu, as well as Gangnam 3 districts.

As most regions of the country were grouped into regulated areas, the buying trend was driven back to Seoul, and expectations for the progress of the maintenance project appeared to be reflected in Gangnam.

Although Gyeonggi and Incheon apartment prices have risen more than last week, the surge in Paju and Ulsan, Gyeonggi-do, which were additionally designated as regulated areas, is showing signs of slowing down.

[한국부동산원 관계자 : 규제지역 지정 이후에 부산, 광주나 울산 지역이 상승 폭이 축소되면서 관망세를 보이고 있고요. 지난 17일에 규제 지역이 발표되어서 일부만 반영됐습니다. 지정의 효과는 다음 주에 좀 더 드러날 것 같고요.]

The nationwide apartment rental price rose 0.3%, maintaining the highest level of increase.

Experts predict that the jeonse crisis will continue for some time due to the shortage of jeonse sales.

YTN Shin Yoon-jung[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
