[경제]Optimus Fund 100% reimbursement decision…second after Lime


In connection with the suspension of the repurchase of the Optimus Fund, the financial authorities decided to cancel the contract and return the full amount of the investment principal to the largest seller, NH Investment & Securities.

This is the second time, following the Lime Fund in July of last year, indemnifying 100% of the principal.

Reporter Lee Jong-soo on the report.


The Financial Supervisory Service held the Dispute Mediation Committee and decided to cancel the sales contract of the Optimus Fund and return the full amount of the investment principal to the seller, NH Investment & Securities.

The Financial Supervisory Service explained that it has decided to cancel the contract due to error in accordance with Article 109 of the Civil Code.

Cancellation of a contract by mistake is applied when the civil law did not properly inform the important matters that the contract was not signed in the first place.

Earlier, the Optimus Fund raised investments saying that it invested in safe public institution accounts receivable for three years from June 2019 to May 2020, but in reality, it was invested in non-performing loans of unlisted companies or managed assets by’blocking the fund’. It was investigated.

The Financial Supervisory Service explained that NH Investment & Securities invested 95% or more in public institution firm receivables, which would make it virtually impossible for Optimus Fund to invest at the time of signing the contract, and it was judged that it caused investor error.

In addition, it is difficult to expect ordinary investors to pay attention to the possibility of investing in fixed-sell bonds by public institutions, so it is difficult to say that ordinary investors have gross negligence.

The 100% reimbursement is the second ever.

Earlier in July last year, a decision to return 100% of the principal amount was made in the dispute settlement on Lime’s’Trade Finance Fund’ by’revocation of the contract due to an error’.

Civic groups such as the Kyeong-sil-Ryeon have also demanded full compensation for the investment of the Optimus Fund.

[김득의 /금융정의연대 상임대표 : NH투자증권이 100% 전액 반환 결정이 나왔음에도 불구하고 다자배상 운운하며 거부한다면 수용할 수 있도록 강력한 투쟁을 피해자들과 함께 전개할 것을 천명하는 바입니다.]

An official from the Financial Supervisory Service said, “This dispute settlement decision applies to NH Investment & Securities’ contracts worth KRW 37.8 billion for general investors, and a contract for professional investors worth KRW 124.9 billion must be individually judged by the court as to whether or not it is gross negligence due to an error.” Explained.

Dispute mediation is established only when the applicant and the financial company accept the mediation proposal within 20 days of receiving the mediation proposal.

NH Investment & Securities, a sales company, announced that it will decide whether to accept it through an internal decision-making process.

YTN Jongsoo Lee[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
