[경제]’One-stroke instructor’ LH employee dismissed…Mang-eon employee may be disciplined


Faced with a crisis of dismantling procedures, LH dismissed an employee who had been active as a’one hit instructor’ for land auction on an Internet paid site.

Disciplinary action is being reviewed against LH employees who posted public comments on the Internet.

Reporter Cha Yoo-jeong reports.


Mr. Oh, a 40-year-old LH employee who actively worked as a self-proclaimed’land auction instructor’ on a paid lecture site.

As the case of Mr. Oh became controversial along with the allegations of speculation, Mr. Oh strongly denied all of his for-profit efforts, saying that he was correct as an instructor, but did not receive any money.

[오 모 씨 / 전 LH 직원, 지난 4일 : 참고로 말씀드리면 돈은 하나도 받지 않았습니다. 저는 수익 올린 게 전혀 없어요. 제 신분이 있으니까 문제가 될 것 같아서 저는 안 받기로 하고 강의를 진행한 겁니다.]

However, LH’s own investigation revealed that this is not true.

LH confirmed that Mr. Oh was paid for through his long-term for-profit activity as a result of conducting a personal survey and data investigation, and then dismissed him.

LH’s position is that, in its corporate rules, “concurrent employment in profit-making activities other than work is prohibited. As it is evident that this has been violated, worker punishment is inevitable.”

With allegations of speculation biting off, articles that seem to have been written by LH employees, rather than self-sufficiency, are circulated on the Internet, and public opinion on LH is deteriorating.

There is a growing voice calling for punishment as writings of derogation and ridicule have been posted on the public, such as’I will go through the retirement age while speculating under my car name, and speculation is the welfare of our company.

[직장인 : 일반 시민들은 아등바등 한평생 살면서 내 집 마련 하나 하려고 하는데 너무 씁쓸하고 허탈합니다.]

As the controversy grew, LH reportedly was considering disciplinary action against deprecated employees.

“There is a possibility that the LH Disciplinary Committee will discuss whether to dismiss it, saying that it is a matter that requires’audit/discipline’ as it makes us doubt the level of ethics,” said Choi Chang-won, Deputy Secretary of State for the Office of the Prime Minister, who is the head of the government’s joint investigation into LH speculation allegations.

The goal of distrust accumulated in LH seems too deep to appease the hearts of the people who have been hurt only by discipline or punishment.

This is YTN Cha Yoo-jeong.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
