[경제]OECD “Korea’s growth rate 3.3%…0.5%p↑”…Government “Slack domestic demand limits economic recovery”


The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, the OECD, has upgraded our economic growth forecast this year to 3.3%.

Although the government is continuing to improve the economic flow, it is judged that sluggish domestic demand is holding back the economic recovery.

Reporter Oh In-seok on the report.


In December of last year, the OECD, which predicted the growth rate of Korea’s economy at 2.8% this year, raised its forecast in three months.

It is expected that this year’s Korean economy will be 3.3%, up 0.5 percentage points from the forecast in December.

This is higher than the IMF and government forecasts for the International Monetary Fund and the Bank of Korea and KDI forecasts.

According to the OECD outlook, the Korean economy is expected to recover to pre-corona crisis levels by the end of this year along with the US.

It is expected to recover the scale of the pre-crisis economy thanks to relatively little corona damage and rapid recovery.

The OECD predicts that the global economy will grow 5.6% this year.

Vaccination is expected to increase by 1.4 percentage points compared to December, and growth in major countries is expected to expand as additional fiscal stimulus measures in some countries.

In particular, the rapid recovery of the US economy and the resulting increase in demand from trading partners are expected to contribute to the global economic recovery.

The US economy is forecast to grow by 6.5%.

The government believes that the growth rate is expected to be high, reflecting the global economic recovery trend, robust export and manufacturing industry recovery, and active policy effects such as supplementary administration.

However, sluggish domestic demand arising from prolonged distancing is believed to be a factor holding back the economic recovery.

[김용범 / 기획재정부 1차관 : 단시일 내에 내수가 획기적으로 개선되기는 쉽지 않은 상황임을 감안하여, 취약계층이 직면한 위기를 버텨낼 수 있도록 피해지원에 집중하면서 철저한 방역 하에 내수 진작 노력을 병행해 나가겠습니다.]

The Korea Development Institute and KDI are also defending against economic contraction as durable goods consumption and exports have increased sharply, but they diagnosed that the economic slowdown is continuing, such as a sharp decline in employment due to the spread of Corona 19.

YTN Oh Inseok[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
