[경제]Luxury living with’parent chance’… tax audit for young rich people in their 20s and 30s

Luxurious life with expedient gift… Tax audit for tax evaders in their 20s and 30s
Average assets surveyed KRW 18.6 billion… Donation of up to KRW 70 billion
Investigation of profitable medical device companies and illegal lenders


Tax authorities have discovered those in their 2nd and 30th generations who have enjoyed a luxurious life by deducting their income even after inheriting tens of billions of assets using so-called’parent chance’.

In addition, medical device companies and illegal lenders who took advantage of the corona crisis were also caught on the surveillance network.

Reporter Kim Tae-min.


An expensive foreign sports car worth hundreds of millions of won and a bundle of 50,000 won in cash!

They are all assets of their 2nd and 30th generations who enjoyed luxurious life with the money inherited from their parents.

In this way, the National Tax Service has launched a tax audit on the suspected tax evasioner who has escaped taxes by hiding his income even though he has gained property through an expedient gift.

A representative of a corporation in the 30s who was caught this time bought a super high-priced house with a city value of over 7 billion won and a building worth 8 billion won by deducting income while operating the company with stocks received from his parents.

Here, it was investigated that they enjoyed luxury by buying luxury goods and luxury foreign cars under the corporate name.

Also, in their twenties, they bought land with money donated by their father expediently, and bought two buildings in Gangnam, Seoul, worth over 5 billion won.

The average assets of the rich young people surveyed in this way amounted to 18 billion won, and in some cases, one person inherited a whopping 70 billion won.

[노정석 / 국세청 조사국장 : 영앤리치(젊은 부자) 16명의 평균 재산 가액은 186억 원, 조사대상자의 자산별 평균 금액은 레지던스 42억 원, 꼬마빌딩 137억 원, 회원권 14억 원입니다.]

In addition, tax evasion suspects targeting the coronavirus outbreak were also investigated, such as medical device companies who deprived their income after gaining profits by raising product prices, and illegal lenders who did not report income by lending money through a link that exceeded the legal interest rate. .

The National Tax Service is planning to respond strongly to 61 tax evaders who abused the crisis by compromising social fairness by adding tax evasion and prosecution.

YTN Taemin Kim[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
