[경제]LH that even came out with’dismantlement theory’…”Promoting innovation at the level of dissolution”


Finally, while the LH dismantlement theory came out, the government pledged to promote innovation that transformed itself to the level of dissolution.

There was no specific plan, but a plan to reduce or divide the bloated organization and roles seems promising.

This is reporter Lee Ji-eun.


Allegations of land speculation by LH employees who have plunged the whole people into anger and collapse.

Here, an angry public sentiment ignited when some LH employees were known to be groaning through a blind app.

Even the’new job grade table’ that LH employees are the best job has appeared.

In the midst of negative public opinion and even dismantling theories, the government announced measures to transform LH to the level of dissolution.

[정세균 / 국무총리 : LH를 어떻게 혁신할 것인가, 그야말로 해체 수준의 환골탈태하는 그런 혁신을 추진하겠습니다.]

However, no specific plan came out.

[정세균 / 국무총리 : 경제부총리를 중심으로 전문가들의 의견도 듣고 또 시민사회와 교감하는 등의 노력을 통해서 철저하게 혁신하겠다, 이렇게 말씀드리고요.]

A 10,000-person “dinosaur public enterprise” created by the merger of Korea Land Corporation and Korea National Housing Corporation in 2009, and a plan to divide the organization and roles of LH is being widely discussed.

The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Byun Chang-heum also revealed that he is contemplating the role of LH.

[변창흠 / 국토부 장관 (지난 9일) : 공공자가주택이나 그 이익을 교차하는 공식적인 제도, 이 부분을 지금 고민하고 있습니다. 이 부분에 대해서는 저도 거기에 따라서, LH의 역할도 재정립될 수 있지 않을까 생각합니다.]

Minister Byeon previously said that he will become a’strong partner’ when he took office as President of LH in 2019.

[변창흠 / 당시 LH 사장 (2019년 4월) : LH의 다양한 역할을 국민의 삶터와 일터를 넘어 쉼터와 꿈터가 어우러지는 혁신적인 공간을 만드는 국민의 든든한 동반자로 설정하고 싶습니다.]

However, there are still concerns about whether LH, which stands at the center of speculative suspicions, rather than as a partner of the people, can become a public company that plays its role through’deconstruction level of dissolution’.

YTN Lee Ji-eun[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
